Finestra de temps entre primer i últim superada
Participants of the team %team% that have made this section%section%
Participant | Number | Time section | Time race |
JOSEP VERDAGUER GóMEZ | 994 | 01:16:02 | 20:49:02 |
LLORENç GALAY TRIAS | 993 | 01:16:05 | 20:49:03 |
MIQUEL SEGURA CAMPAYO | 998 | 01:16:11 | 20:49:05 |
NOèLIA INFANTES RODENAS | 992 | no_ha_sortit | 20:49:07 |
TONI SANCHEZ MONTIEL | 995 | no_ha_sortit | 20:49:07 |
TONI LARA PUNZANO | 999 | 01:16:04 | 20:49:08 |
CARLOS DíAZ CARRICONDO | 997 | no_ha_sortit | 20:49:40 |