Participants of the team %team% that have made this section%section%
Participant | Number | Time section | Time race |
RAQUEL BALLELL PAUS | 1048 | 01:08:43 | 15:53:21 |
SUSANNA FERRERA FELIU | 1049 | 01:08:37 | 15:53:21 |
FERNANDO MARIN MUñOZ | 1053 | no_ha_sortit | 15:53:22 |
JOëL MORELL SIMóN | 1055 | 01:08:41 | 15:53:23 |
VERO MARTíNEZ HERVáS | 1050 | no_ha_sortit | 15:53:23 |
MIQUEL DOBAÑO GALAN | 1054 | 01:08:43 | 15:53:24 |