Participants of the team %team% that have made this section%section%
Participant | Number | Time section | Time race |
JORDI ILLAMOLA PARĂ© | 253 | 00:45:24 | 12:40:57 |
JOSEP ALCALĂ PRIETO | 251 | 00:45:12 | 12:40:58 |
ARCADI PRAT GODAYOL | 254 | 00:45:06 | 12:40:58 |
XEVI REIG TORRES | 249 | 00:41:26 | 12:40:59 |
EROLA TORTADES VERDAGUER | 250 | 00:45:15 | 12:40:59 |
BERNAT VIDAL VALLES | 256 | 00:45:17 | 12:41:00 |
SANTI SEGALES BERENGUER | 252 | no_ha_sortit | 12:41:00 |