Participants of the team %team% that have made this section%section%
Participant | Number | Time section | Time race |
DAVID PRIM DILME | 277 | 00:51:58 | 13:01:38 |
JORDI CEÑA REYES | 276 | 00:51:40 | 13:01:39 |
MARTí FOREST TITOS | 273 | no_ha_sortit | 13:01:39 |
FRANCESC SERAS GUBERT | 274 | 00:52:01 | 13:01:40 |
JOAN RíSQUEZ MARTíNEZ | 275 | 01:09:18 | 13:01:40 |
EDUARD SERRA GARCIA | 280 | no_ha_sortit | 13:01:40 |
XAVIER RIBERA MORALES | 278 | no_ha_sortit | 13:01:42 |