Participants of the team %team% that have made this section%section%
Participant | Number | Time section | Time race |
LLUíS BOSCH GAYOLà | 911 | 00:31:49 | 09:32:43 |
ESTEVE CAMPMOL AMETLLER | 908 | 00:31:27 | 09:32:44 |
MANEL TORRES VELASCO | 909 | 00:31:50 | 09:32:44 |
ARTUR ROIG RODERO | 912 | no_ha_sortit | 09:32:44 |
ÀNGEL MARíN TARIFA | 905 | no_ha_sortit | 09:32:45 |
MARTÍ MASÓ JOANMIQUEL | 907 | 00:31:51 | 09:32:48 |
FRANCESC PRAT I VICENS | 906 | 00:31:55 | 09:32:49 |