Participants of the team %team% that have made this section%section%
Participant | Number | Time section | Time race |
SONIA LABRADOR SIERRA | 1260 | 01:07:00 | 16:34:04 |
ARIADNA JORDÀ CLAVAGUERA | 1261 | 01:07:00 | 16:34:04 |
MARTA CAMPS CASADESÚS | 1259 | 01:07:01 | 16:34:05 |
JúLIA LLISTAR CHARQUES | 1257 | no_ha_sortit | 16:34:05 |
LAURA RAMONEDA RICART | 1258 | 01:07:00 | 16:34:06 |
CARLA COLOM DOMÈNECH | 1263 | 01:06:58 | 16:34:06 |
MONICA ESPUñA TURON | 1264 | 01:06:38 | 16:34:06 |
MARIA TOLEDO ORTIZ | 1262 | no_ha_sortit | 16:34:06 |