Participants of the team %team% that have made this section%section%
Participant | Number | Time section | Time race |
ENRIC SORRIBAS BARRERA | 1276 | 01:13:28 | 19:19:47 |
ENRIC CASTELLA GOMEZ | 1278 | no_ha_sortit | 19:19:48 |
ROSER MARTíN BADIA | 1273 | 01:13:15 | 19:19:50 |
ANTONI NEBREDA GARCIA | 1279 | 01:13:31 | 19:19:50 |
ALFONSO CAYUELA DELGADO | 1275 | 01:13:02 | 19:19:51 |
OLGA PADILLA BENITO | 1277 | 01:13:31 | 19:19:52 |
JOAQUIN MARTÍNEZ BARBERAN | 1280 | no_ha_sortit | 19:19:54 |