Participants of the team %team% that have made this section%section%
Participant | Number | Time section | Time race |
BLANCA AYATS GARRIGA | 1652 | 01:07:48 | 17:32:56 |
NATÀLIA VILAMALA FERRER | 1653 | 01:07:24 | 17:32:57 |
LAURA ZAMORA MASNOU | 1656 | 01:09:00 | 17:32:57 |
ANNA PINTU SOLER | 1649 | 01:06:41 | 17:32:58 |
SíLVIA FERRER TORRENT | 1654 | no_ha_sortit | 17:32:58 |
SUSANNA VICENS MASSAGUER | 1655 | 01:28:32 | 17:32:59 |
EVA SERRA MUÑOZ | 1651 | 01:09:32 | 17:33:01 |
ANNA ILLA BAYéS | 1650 | 01:09:13 | 17:33:09 |