Número participants corrent supera el límit màxim
Participants of the team %team% that have made this section%section%
Participant | Number | Time section | Time race |
CARLOS GORCHS PUJOL | 348 | 01:48:06 | 03:05:02 |
ISRAEL ALONSO HERNANDEZ | 349 | 01:48:05 | 03:05:07 |
ADRIA BAFALLUY OSES | 350 | 01:48:04 | 03:05:10 |
JOSEP MARIA PñOL FAñANAS | 354 | 01:48:14 | 03:05:12 |
ALBERT CASTAñO PRATS | 352 | 01:48:19 | 03:05:17 |
MóNICA AGUILERA IBAñEZ | 353 | 01:48:07 | 03:05:22 |