Número participants corrent supera el límit màxim
Participants of the team %team% that have made this section%section%
Participant | Number | Time section | Time race |
MARTA MOLINS ROVIROSA | 398 | 01:25:44 | 14:14:53 |
NURIA PUIG DE LA PASIóN | 397 | 01:25:59 | 14:14:57 |
NúRIA LLOBERA LLIMARGAS | 399 | 01:26:07 | 14:14:58 |
ELENA COMA CASAS | 400 | 01:25:56 | 14:14:59 |
MARIA ELENA ORTS GARCIA | 401 | 01:26:09 | 14:14:59 |
ANNA AMO HURTADO | 402 | no_ha_sortit | 14:15:00 |