Número participants corrent supera el límit màxim
Participants of the team %team% that have made this section%section%
Participant | Number | Time section | Time race |
FéLIX SOLER-LLURó BORRELL | 432 | no_ha_sortit | 07:16:23 |
JAVIER FERNáNDEZ MANTECA | 429 | 01:47:50 | 08:11:13 |
FELIP CARBAJO PERNAU | 428 | 01:47:58 | 08:11:15 |
JORDI ESPAñOL MUNTANER | 427 | 01:48:14 | 08:11:31 |
ALFONSO CARCASONA GARCíA | 431 | 01:48:25 | 08:11:35 |
MANEL NADAL CASAS | 430 | 01:48:29 | 08:11:36 |