Finestra de temps entre primer i últim superada
Participants of the team %team% that have made this section%section%
Participant | Number | Time section | Time race |
GEMMA BLANCH NIETO | 323 | 02:15:26 | 14:40:02 |
CRISTINA POUS GARCIA | 328 | no_ha_sortit | 14:40:02 |
MIREIA LOUREIRO CLAPERS | 324 | no_ha_sortit | 14:40:03 |
MANUELA PERMANYER | 325 | 02:15:16 | 14:40:04 |
JORGINA PEQUERA I PONS | 327 | 02:15:34 | 14:40:04 |
LAIA PINEDA RüEGG | 326 | 02:15:28 | 14:40:06 |