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Live: Pujada CORRENT


Provisional results

Perhaps some point of control does not have an internet connection or it is deficient.

In this case the intervals can not be viewed live and they will appear as they are transmitted from the control points

Arribada - Arribada


Have passed


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal

1 - 1 - ARNAU ARANDA 00:42:49 37

2 - 2 - ALEIX FÀBREGAS GRAÑON 00:43:44 31

3 - 3 - ADRIA SELLES SERRA 00:46:37 38

4 - 4 - OT MAS LOPEZ 00:48:18 22

5 - 5 - DAVID SALAMó CASALS 00:48:58 24

6 - 6 - ARITZ SORZABAL DIAZ 00:48:59 3

7 - 7 - ORIOL ROSELLÓ I CASTELLS 00:50:59 4

8 - 8 - POL VALL MITJANA 00:53:18 30

9 - 9 - ORIOL PROS FORTEA 00:55:50 6

10 - 10 - RAMON LOPEZ IBAñEZ 00:56:11 9

11 - 11 - DAVID REYES CHORRO 00:56:45 39

12 - 12 - JOAQUIM BIGORDA BOSCH 00:57:00 19

13 - 13 - CARLES CURTO CASTRO 00:57:07 32

14 - 15 - ARNAU ELIAS VINYES 00:57:39 36

15 - 16 - PAU SUBIRANA GASSO 01:00:49 10

16 - 18 - HERMINIO MARTíNEZ GARCíA 01:02:25 35

17 - 19 - MIQUEL ROS I LLOBET 01:04:23 16

18 - 20 - AMALIO RUBIO RODRIGUEZ 01:04:28 13

19 - 21 - JOAN ESPINET PARÉS 01:09:05 2

20 - 22 - IGNASI CLARIANA RIERA 01:09:59 27

21 - 23 - IGNASI CLARIANA RUEDA 01:10:01 26

22 - 24 - JOAN CIURANA SATORRA 01:10:08 7

23 - 26 - PAUL SCOTT 01:13:27 1

24 - 27 - JOAN-MARC LLàCER I ESCAMILLA 01:13:50 33

25 - 28 - ERIC PASTOR HERNANDEZ 01:19:14 25

26 - 32 - DOMENEC RUBIO BARRACHINA 01:21:18 29

27 - 33 - PERE ROS VIDAL 01:27:09 18

28 - 34 - PERE TORRAS VIVET 01:28:44 23

29 - 35 - JOSEP MARIA OLMO VIDAL 01:31:53 8

30 - 36 - NIL LóPEZ COT 01:37:00 11


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal

1 - 14 - AITANA DOMENECH MARTINEZ 00:57:11 14

2 - 17 - VINYET BIGORDA SORIANO 01:02:23 20

3 - 25 - MIREIA GISPERT MARTINEZ 01:10:54 5

4 - 29 - MARTA GARCIA BARBA 01:19:25 17

5 - 30 - NINA BIGORDA SORIANO 01:20:23 21

6 - 31 - LAURA RUBIO MIRALLS 01:20:37 28
