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Live: Sant Silvestre ALEVÍ 10-11 anys

Sant Silvestre ALEVÍ 10-11 anys

Provisional results

Perhaps some point of control does not have an internet connection or it is deficient.

In this case the intervals can not be viewed live and they will appear as they are transmitted from the control points

Arribada - Arribada


Have passed


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal

1 - 1 - MARC LANAT RUGER 00:03:11 406

2 - 2 - LLUC MARTí MáRQUEZ 00:03:21 416

3 - 3 - IAGO PERDIGUER LOPEZ 00:03:22 409

4 - 4 - MARC ROCA SERRA 00:03:24 417

5 - 5 - JOAN MUÑOZ MERCADE 00:03:32 423

6 - 6 - POL CORBERA GRACIA 00:03:33 405

7 - 7 - MARC CASAMITJANA CALVO 00:03:34 411

8 - 9 - ALEIX LANUZA FORNER 00:03:41 421

9 - 10 - ARNAU SEVILLA ESCALADA 00:03:44 422

10 - 13 - CESC FERRER RUBIO 00:03:50 402

11 - 14 - BIEL COLLELL HOMS 00:03:53 418

12 - 15 - JORDI ALBA POCH 00:03:54 424

13 - 18 - NIKOLAS BABLER REVERTER 00:03:58 419


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal

1 - 8 - NAUSICAA SAUQUé ROIG 00:03:35 413

2 - 11 - JANNA BOSCH BOSCH 00:03:46 401

3 - 12 - ABRIL LANUZA FORNER 00:03:47 420

4 - 16 - DEIA ANGUELOVSKI-COOKE 00:03:55 404

5 - 17 - MAR EICKHOLD ANENTO 00:03:57 403

6 - 19 - LAURA FABREGAS ROSELL 00:04:13 414

7 - 20 - JANA PONT GUARDIA 00:04:18 415
