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Live: Sant Silvestre BENJAMÍ 8-9 anys

Sant Silvestre BENJAMÍ 8-9 anys

Provisional results

Perhaps some point of control does not have an internet connection or it is deficient.

In this case the intervals can not be viewed live and they will appear as they are transmitted from the control points

Arribada - Arribada


Have passed


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal

1 - 1 - MAX BOSCH BOSCH 00:01:33 501

2 - 2 - INUK RELAÑO PRACHT 00:01:35 517

3 - 3 - BERNAT VILANA EXPOSITO 00:01:39 518

4 - 4 - ALBERT VILA SANJUAN 00:01:41 507

5 - 5 - XAVI CASAMITJANA CALVO 00:01:42 508

6 - 6 - BERNAT SAUQUÉ ROIG 00:01:44 519

7 - 7 - ROGER TORRES DEL RIO 00:01:46 512

8 - 8 - ARAN MARTINEZ LOIS 00:01:48 505

9 - 9 - MARTÍ PRAT LUESMA 00:01:52 516

10 - 10 - QUIM MUÑOZ MERCADE 00:01:54 529

11 - 11 - TSAM FERRERO DOMèNECH 00:01:58 504

12 - 15 - POL CARRERA DURáN 00:02:04 513

13 - 19 - MUNIC POSAS . 00:02:14 526

14 - 25 - NIL ÁLVAREZ BATLLE 00:02:35 521

15 - 27 - ÈRIC ROS CULEBRAS 00:02:52 522


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal

1 - 12 - ABRIL SANLLEHí LARRèGULA 00:02:01 514

2 - 13 - JANA ROCA SERRA 00:02:02 523

3 - 14 - BRUNA PALOMARES GARCIA 00:02:03 528

4 - 16 - LAIA PERDIGUER LóPEZ 00:02:06 509

5 - 17 - MANON ANGUELOVSKI-COOKE 00:02:09 503

6 - 18 - JÚLIA QUINTANA FABREGAS 00:02:13 520

7 - 20 - ALEXANDRA CLOSA VIDAL 00:02:16 506

8 - 21 - ONA LOPEZ FURIO 00:02:20 515

9 - 22 - RUTH POZO SAN JOSé 00:02:25 511

10 - 23 - ESTEL GRAU BONET 00:02:27 527

11 - 24 - MAR VELAZQUEZ 00:02:34 510

12 - 26 - MARIONA SAGRERA VILANOVA 00:02:46 524
