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Provisional results

Perhaps some point of control does not have an internet connection or it is deficient.

In this case the intervals can not be viewed live and they will appear as they are transmitted from the control points

L'Ametlla - Intermig


Have passed


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal

1 - 1 - TEAM WOLVES 05:15:06 218

2 - 2 - B BRUCE 05:32:10 204

3 - 3 - A4ELKMTARONJA 06:02:10 202

4 - 4 - KRITER SOFTWARE 06:12:40 210

5 - 5 - PORXADA 1 06:20:08 215

6 - 6 - SANT CEB TEAM 06:21:01 217

7 - 7 - LATRIBUDECALDES 06:24:35 211

8 - 8 - KASTELL RUNNERS 06:25:15 209

9 - 9 - CAST3LL RUNNERS 06:41:05 206

10 - 10 - C4STELL RUNNERS: 06:42:26 205

11 - 11 - MAGNÍFQUES 06:43:51 212

12 - 12 - SAGALES RUNNERS SOLIDARIS 06:49:53 216

13 - 13 - KAPTIVANT EL VALLES 06:59:08 208

14 - 14 - CORRECAMINOS SOLIDARIOS 07:00:00 207

15 - 15 - ATLÈTIC CODINES 07:04:23 203

16 - 16 - SANT FELIUCORRE CESF 07:12:55 224

17 - 17 - ONCODINESTRAIL 07:21:34 214

18 - 18 - SALUT I CAMES 07:25:21 223

19 - 19 - TURTLERUNNERS 07:26:06 219

20 - 20 - 70 BATECS 07:39:32 201


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal
