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Live: Vertical Figuerassa

Vertical Figuerassa

Provisional results

Perhaps some point of control does not have an internet connection or it is deficient.

In this case the intervals can not be viewed live and they will appear as they are transmitted from the control points

Arribada - Arribada


Have passed


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal

1 - 1 - DAVID SOLER SUCARRATS 00:33:06 8

2 - 2 - MARC BERNADES OLLE 00:33:17 16

3 - 3 - TONI BAÑOS TOR 00:33:43 20

4 - 4 - JOAN FREIXA MARCELO 00:33:55 14

5 - 5 - MARC ROCADEMBOSCH AMBRòS 00:34:21 3

6 - 6 - ANDREU CONTIJOCH CULLERé 00:35:07 13

7 - 7 - ROBERT MORERA CASAS 00:35:12 1

8 - 8 - ENRIC BAÑOS TOR 00:35:24 19

9 - 9 - JAUME CARDONA CHAMORRO 00:40:22 12

10 - 10 - JAVIER VAZQUEZ CORREA 00:40:31 7

11 - 12 - JOAQUIM ANGLèS TALLADA 00:44:16 2

12 - 15 - JOSEP BADIA PLEIXENS 00:49:54 18

13 - 18 - ALEX HIDALGO CERULLA 01:02:10 11

14 - 19 - RICARD BAHí ALBURQUERQUE 01:05:58 5


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal

1 - 11 - ANASTASIA DAVYDOVA 00:42:14 15

2 - 13 - LAIA CONESA MUR 00:45:16 6

3 - 14 - AITANA DOMENECH MARTINEZ 00:47:06 4

4 - 16 - LIDIA RUZ GUTIéRREZ 00:54:22 9

5 - 17 - LEYRE RODRIGEZ . 00:55:07 21
