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Live: Comte Arnau (10 Kms)

Comte Arnau (10 Kms)

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Arribada - Arribada


Have passed


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal

1 - 1 - ALEIX FÀBREGAS GRAÑON 00:37:02 27

2 - 2 - JORDI MARTIN PASCUAL 00:41:03 32

3 - 3 - MARC RABASEDA 00:41:33 18

4 - 4 - XAVIER SOLà RUBIO 00:42:23 7

5 - 5 - GIL VILÀ . 00:45:06 31

6 - 6 - MARC SOLER GARCIA 00:45:19 26

7 - 7 - RAMON TERRADAS SANCHEZ 00:46:28 15

8 - 9 - MARC SALAMó CORTADA 00:48:28 4

9 - 10 - GIL MORATO ROBLES 00:48:29 20

10 - 11 - MANEL ROQUER CARRERA 00:48:32 28

11 - 12 - SERGI FLORES PICAS 00:48:34 3

12 - 13 - OLAGUER VALLBON . 00:48:36 21

13 - 14 - CHRISTIAN CORRALIZA MARTIN 00:49:54 23

14 - 15 - DANIEL PONCE FORT 00:50:13 25

15 - 16 - ENRIC CAPDEVILA BERTRAN 00:52:21 19

16 - 17 - FERRAN MAGRIñá UBACH 00:53:13 14

17 - 18 - JOAN COSTA MARTINEZ 00:55:16 33

18 - 19 - TONI MARTIN MATES 00:55:20 30

19 - 20 - DAVID MARTI HIGUERAS 00:56:22 2

20 - 22 - PERE PUIG VALL 00:57:17 34

21 - 23 - GERARD PUIGCORBER SIRVENT 00:58:05 24

22 - 25 - PAU MORENO RUDÉ 01:01:10 12

23 - 26 - JUAN GóMEZ GONZÁLEZ 01:01:14 16

24 - 27 - XAVIER VITAL LUQUE 01:01:15 17

25 - 28 - JOAN FERNáNDEZ VILALTA 01:02:51 8

26 - 29 - ALEIX CARRERAS PLANAS 01:02:52 6

27 - 30 - ENRIC CARRERAS DORCA 01:02:54 5

28 - 31 - PAU VILA PEREZ 01:06:04 22


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal

1 - 8 - MARIA SAU TUBAU 00:47:09 35

2 - 21 - MONTSERRAT CINCA PATO 00:57:02 13

3 - 24 - EVA SERRADELL PUIG 00:58:15 11
