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Live: SDLF Absoluta 25km

SDLF Absoluta 25km

Provisional results

Perhaps some point of control does not have an internet connection or it is deficient.

In this case the intervals can not be viewed live and they will appear as they are transmitted from the control points

Arribada - Arribada


Have passed


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal

1 - 1 - LLUISMA MAS CACERES 02:20:23 45

2 - 2 - DIEGO MORENO ALPUENTE 02:26:10 12

3 - 3 - ABEL PERALTA GUILLEN 02:26:37 31

4 - 4 - ARTURO SANZ GARGALLO 02:29:01 44

5 - 5 - JOSEP CASADO FERRUS 02:31:20 8

6 - 6 - ROBERT BENET VERGE 02:37:00 10

7 - 7 - ANGEL MESTRE RUIZ 02:37:01 7

8 - 8 - FERRAN ARGILAGA ASENS 02:38:33 22

9 - 9 - ORIOL GÜELL VILLAR 02:38:53 11

10 - 10 - MARC CAMPOS MARTI 02:40:14 5

11 - 12 - AGUSTI JANINI GONZALEZ 02:46:17 15

12 - 14 - GERARD RODRÍGUEZ SALVADÓ 02:50:03 18

13 - 16 - PAU ESTUPIñA BLASCO 02:59:58 32

14 - 17 - CARLOS CAMPOS VIDAL 03:00:52 9

15 - 18 - IOAN ADRIAN ISTOC 03:02:22 27

16 - 19 - JOAN MANERO BEL 03:02:50 16

17 - 21 - OSCAR RIUS GUERRERO 03:05:42 33

18 - 22 - JOSE GALEANO SABATE SABATE 03:06:37 43

19 - 23 - JUAN DAVID CEBOLLA BENITE 03:07:55 23

20 - 24 - CARLOS NARANJO 03:10:59 24

21 - 25 - FERNANDO MAÑA BES 03:13:42 19

22 - 26 - OVIDI GARCIA SASTRE 03:13:46 21

23 - 27 - JOAN SÁNCHEZ SUBIRATS 03:15:34 3

24 - 28 - DAMIÀ GARCÍA SANGÜESA 03:25:01 14

25 - 30 - ANTONIO SERRANO ROYO 03:25:19 17

26 - 31 - XAVIER SARROCA MESTRES 03:28:14 35

27 - 34 - RAFA DURAN 03:37:58 20

28 - 35 - MANEL MARTINEZ FERRER 03:38:51 28

29 - 36 - OSCAR RAMBLA CASTILLO 03:43:46 6

30 - 37 - PERE DALMAU LLORCA 03:46:47 39

31 - 39 - ALBERT SANS FERRER 03:50:44 36

32 - 40 - ANTONIO LLUIS LLANSAMA 03:53:28 29

33 - 41 - ISIDRO CONDE REVERTE 03:55:53 30

34 - 44 - JOSEP TORTA GARCIA 04:19:28 40


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal

1 - 11 - GEORGINA GABARRÓ MORENTE 02:42:11 42

2 - 13 - ONA SOCIATS RAZQUIN 02:48:06 41

3 - 15 - JACKELINE GOMEZ MAMIAN 02:51:59 13

4 - 20 - ALINA PINTILIE 03:03:12 26

5 - 29 - MERCÈ ROYO DELLÀ 03:25:14 4

6 - 32 - ANNA FERRÉ NAVARRO 03:29:08 1

7 - 33 - ANGELS BORRAS PIñOL 03:35:59 25

8 - 38 - ELENA CHAMARRO MARTí 03:46:47 38

9 - 42 - ANNA SEGARRA MAYO 03:55:53 34

10 - 43 - VICKY CATALÀ BONANZA 04:04:57 2
