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Provisional results

Perhaps some point of control does not have an internet connection or it is deficient.

In this case the intervals can not be viewed live and they will appear as they are transmitted from the control points

Arribada - Arribada


Have passed


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal

1 - 2 - ALEX FONTANET BENAIGES 01:28:51 1045

2 - 5 - ALBERT NOGUERA SAGRERA 01:32:17 1009

3 - 7 - JORDI BALCELLS PALOMAR 01:38:18 1042

4 - 8 - JOAN FABREGAT BENAIGES 01:38:56 1031

5 - 9 - CARLOS DEMATTEY DESCARREGA 01:39:38 1047

6 - 17 - ALBERT RUé BENGUEREL 01:49:52 1018

7 - 18 - OCTAVI MARCHES 01:49:52 1027

8 - 23 - ALEX CONESA 02:04:45 1014

9 - 24 - PATRICIO CUESTA ROMAN 02:04:48 1019

10 - 26 - GERARD CAMPOS MARTI 02:08:30 1033

11 - 29 - JOSE FERNANDO PEREZ GARCIA 02:11:35 1022


13 - 35 - JOSEP PEREZ OLMEDO 02:19:22 1021

14 - 36 - OTGER QUIROS 02:23:45 1052


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal

1 - 1 - RAQUEL SANTAMARIA 01:14:09 1040

2 - 3 - MELANIE PRíNCEP GEIRA 01:30:48 1038

3 - 4 - SANDRA GISBERT 01:32:16 1011

4 - 6 - CLARA PUIG SOLANELLAS 01:38:15 1046

5 - 10 - JúLIA SORRIBES MELICH 01:40:43 1029

6 - 11 - SARA TERCERO 01:40:44 1030

7 - 12 - ALBA RUBIO RISCO 01:46:09 1036

8 - 13 - TONYI RUBIO RISCO 01:46:12 1037

9 - 14 - ALBA RODRIGUEZ ROIG 01:47:52 1039

10 - 15 - ELENA MARICALVA 01:47:54 1055

11 - 16 - MòNICA OCAñA CABANES 01:49:35 1028

12 - 19 - YOLANDA MASIP BES 01:59:07 1013

13 - 20 - RAQUEL CHERTA CUCALA 01:59:08 1020

14 - 21 - NATI MOR SUBIRATS 02:03:04 1010

15 - 22 - DORIS RISALDE FERRATE 02:04:41 1015

16 - 25 - ROSA DESCARREGA LLOP 02:08:22 1034

17 - 27 - KEKA LAMARCA AUDí 02:08:52 1044

18 - 28 - MARTA SERRANO ROYO 02:08:52 1041

19 - 30 - M. INMACULADA BORRAS BORRAS 02:15:47 1023

20 - 31 - MONTSERRAT PIñOL MóRA 02:15:47 1048

21 - 32 - PILAR HERNANDEZ TALAVERA 02:15:48 1051

22 - 34 - NúRIA LLAMBRICH SUBIRATS 02:19:22 1024

23 - 37 - MARIA JOSE LLOP 02:23:53 1054

24 - 38 - MARIA MERCADO LOPEZ 02:30:14 1006

25 - 39 - ANAïS CATALà 02:30:14 1005

26 - 40 - M PILAR GAIXET ROCA 02:36:36 1017

27 - 41 - MÒNICA GARCIA LLOP 02:36:40 1016

28 - 42 - ROSA JORDà MAS 02:36:40 1026

29 - 43 - ISABEL LAURES 02:36:53 1053

30 - 44 - ANGELS MARTI FERRé 02:52:28 1032

31 - 45 - NURIA BATISTE BARGALLó 02:52:30 1035

32 - 46 - MONTSE BESONIAS JULIá 02:57:23 1049

33 - 47 - MARIA ORTEGA BESONIAS 02:57:27 1050
