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Live: Cadet Femení 2009-2010

Cadet Femení 2009-2010

Provisional results

Perhaps some point of control does not have an internet connection or it is deficient.

In this case the intervals can not be viewed live and they will appear as they are transmitted from the control points

Arribada - Arribada


Have passed


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal

1 - 1 - LAIA MADERA RUBIO 00:12:39 101

2 - 2 - MARIA MORENO RODRIGUEZ 00:13:24 111

3 - 3 - DUNIA HUERTAS RADI 00:16:08 115

4 - 4 - IVET DIEZ ROMA 00:16:55 112

5 - 5 - MAITE GALLEGO HERNANDEZ 00:17:47 113

6 - 6 - BERTA SáNCHEZ ROMO 00:18:40 104

7 - 7 - DANIELA ARIAS MERINO 00:18:40 103

8 - 8 - MARIA GóMEZ TRISTáN 00:19:39 107

9 - 9 - JÚLIA GARCIUA NAVARRO 00:19:54 110

10 - 10 - MARIONA RODRíGUEZ CASAS 00:19:55 105

11 - 11 - LOLA ORTEGA RAIG 00:19:55 114

12 - 12 - RU YUN FAN•YANG 00:20:12 108

13 - 13 - MARIANA BARTOLí FERNANDEZ 00:20:25 109

14 - 14 - AGNèS PONT SOLER 00:20:53 106

15 - 15 - PAOLA MADERA RUBIO 00:21:37 102
