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Live: Aleví Femení 2013-2014

Aleví Femení 2013-2014

Provisional results

Perhaps some point of control does not have an internet connection or it is deficient.

In this case the intervals can not be viewed live and they will appear as they are transmitted from the control points

Arribada - Arribada


Have passed


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal

1 - 1 - NOA VIALE FUENTES 00:05:43 510

2 - 2 - BIANCA GUIRADO ALVAREZ 00:05:44 525

3 - 3 - NADIA MARTíNEZ AGUDO 00:05:54 513

4 - 4 - JANA MARTINEZ SERRA 00:05:58 507

5 - 5 - HAIZEA ELORRIAGA SáNCHEZ 00:06:10 524

6 - 6 - CLAUDIA FERNANDEZ SORIANO 00:06:12 523

7 - 7 - EDURNE GONZáLEZ SERRA 00:06:16 504

8 - 8 - EILA SUBIRATS MENESES 00:06:18 528

9 - 9 - LIA VIALE FUENTES 00:06:23 511

10 - 10 - ELIA MERCADO SANCHEZ 00:06:34 531

11 - 11 - JULIA CORRALES CRESPO 00:06:47 530

12 - 12 - AINA MORANCHO GARCIA 00:06:55 519

13 - 13 - LAIA PIJOAN BALAGUER 00:07:00 505

14 - 14 - KIARA SUBIRATS MENESES 00:07:05 527

15 - 15 - NAILA GUILLEN FERNáNDEZ 00:07:10 532

16 - 16 - VALENTINA PIÑA FERRARI 00:07:16 521

17 - 17 - PAULA FERNáNDEZ MIR 00:07:16 533

18 - 18 - YASMINE ZRAOULA 00:07:17 508

19 - 19 - JúLIA ANTEQUERA HEREDIA 00:07:19 502

20 - 20 - CLOE RAMíREZ ARROYO 00:07:23 512

21 - 21 - AURORA DE VILLASANTE 00:07:32 529

22 - 22 - GALA SANCHEZ BARBERAN 00:07:43 516

23 - 23 - LAIA GIMENEZ SERRANO 00:07:46 534

24 - 24 - VALENTINA LOPEZ PERDOMO 00:07:52 515

25 - 25 - MARTA RUBIO MáRQUEZ 00:07:56 514

26 - 26 - BERTA BLANCO GUZMÁN 00:08:09 536

27 - 27 - ARIADNA MALMAGRO ORTIZ 00:08:27 535
