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Live: Pre-Benjamí Femení 2017-2018

Pre-Benjamí Femení 2017-2018

Provisional results

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In this case the intervals can not be viewed live and they will appear as they are transmitted from the control points

Arribada - Arribada


Have passed


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal

1 - 1 - JULIA BUENO MONNOYER 00:02:17 929

2 - 2 - ELIA ESTRADA CRISTIA 00:02:18 914

3 - 3 - CARLA RUBIO MáRQUEZ 00:02:19 912

4 - 4 - NATALIA GOMEZ GONZALVES 00:02:20 934


6 - 6 - EMMA GARCíA GIRóS 00:02:31 908

7 - 7 - BERTA ANTEQUERA HEREDIA 00:02:35 905

8 - 8 - MIA HERRERA RODRíGUEZ 00:02:35 907

9 - 9 - ANNA FLORES PALMERO 00:02:37 917

10 - 10 - MARTINA REDONDO ACEñA 00:02:37 910

11 - 11 - VALENTINA GOMEZ GONZALVES 00:02:37 935

12 - 12 - NAGORE ECHARTE AMADOR 00:02:39 913

13 - 13 - ALEJANDRA MARTIíNEZ VALERO 00:02:41 921

14 - 14 - GINEBRA GARCíA EBOUMBOU 00:02:42 906

15 - 15 - AGNA ACOSTA CARVAJAL 00:02:45 916

16 - 16 - VICTORIA SANTANA . 00:02:49 940

17 - 17 - AINA GERMAN MILLA 00:02:52 925

18 - 18 - DUNA RAMIREZ BARRIEÓN 00:02:54 911

19 - 19 - NORA LLAMAS SALA 00:02:56 936

20 - 20 - ÈLIA ESCRIG DÍAZ BLANCO 00:02:56 932

21 - 21 - ALEXIA GUZMAN ARRIAGA 00:02:58 930

22 - 22 - BRUNA CATALà MATOS 00:02:58 924

23 - 23 - VALENTINA ALVIRA MONDRAGóN 00:03:01 901

24 - 24 - OLAIA VARON CHAO 00:03:06 923

25 - 25 - ELNA JIMéNEZ SáNCHEZ 00:03:06 904

26 - 26 - ALICIA PIÑA BOZA 00:03:08 919

27 - 27 - JOANA TARRES LOPEZ 00:03:09 931

28 - 28 - LUCIA COLL GONZALEZ 00:03:11 933

29 - 29 - NORA LOPEZ DOMINGUEZ 00:03:13 918

30 - 30 - DAFNE ABILLA AGUDO 00:03:16 909

31 - 31 - BLANCA CASTELLS LOZANO 00:03:18 926

32 - 32 - CARLA AGUILAR SANCHEZ 00:03:22 938

33 - 33 - NORAH VáZQUEZ GóMEZ 00:03:28 903

34 - 34 - CLAUDIA MALMASRO ORTIZ 00:03:31 928

35 - 35 - CLAUDIA VALLS CAPARRÓS 00:03:34 937

36 - 36 - SOFIA MARTINEZ MUÑOZ 00:03:49 939

37 - 37 - GALA VERDEJO RUIZ 00:03:49 927
