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Live: Cursa K23

Cursa K23

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Perhaps some point of control does not have an internet connection or it is deficient.

In this case the intervals can not be viewed live and they will appear as they are transmitted from the control points

Inici Tram Cronometrat - Intermig


Have passed


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal

1 - 1 - NIL GAJA BALLARÓ 00:26:48 2

2 - 2 - LLUIS RUIZ OLLER 00:26:50 4

3 - 3 - JORDI ROY BARALDES 00:26:51 32

4 - 4 - XAVI PRIMS DAMAS 00:26:59 57

5 - 5 - JAUME BUSQUETS MARTINEZ 00:28:01 73

6 - 6 - XEVI VIDAL SUBINYA 00:28:03 3

7 - 7 - DAVID AMBLAS ESTRADA 00:28:08 70

8 - 8 - CARLES DOMENECH BOIRA 00:28:34 72

9 - 9 - ENRIC PORTET LOZANO 00:28:47 64

10 - 10 - VALENTI VINAS VILARDEBO 00:29:03 28

11 - 11 - JESúS PUIG POSA 00:29:51 42

12 - 12 - JORDI PARAREDA NADEU 00:29:53 65

13 - 13 - JOSEP RODRíGUEZ RIERA 00:29:55 74

14 - 14 - JORDI DORCA TARRUELLA 00:30:27 50

15 - 15 - JORDI BARTRINA SANGLAS 00:31:02 61

16 - 16 - JOAN RIBA PUIGORIOL 00:32:12 51

17 - 17 - JAVIER CAñAS LARA 00:32:18 20

18 - 18 - RAMON CASERRAS GUERRERO 00:32:28 76

19 - 19 - SERGI COSTA DORCA 00:32:38 49

20 - 20 - JORDI HERNANDEZ CREUS 00:33:10 29

21 - 21 - MARC MAS BAUCELLS 00:33:27 31

22 - 22 - LLUIS BURGAYA GUTIERREZ 00:33:35 15

23 - 24 - EDUARD SERRA PARAREDA 00:34:04 8

24 - 25 - MÀRIUS GORCHS FONT 00:34:15 46

25 - 26 - ALEIX PARES CARRIO 00:34:16 77

26 - 28 - RAMON SOLER PUJOLS 00:40:44 48

27 - 29 - JOAN CUTRINA MIR 00:40:54 16

28 - 30 - JONATAN BENYAMIN CORTACANS 00:41:26 83

29 - 31 - TONI CABALLERO TOMàS 00:41:54 14

30 - 32 - XAVI MIMÓ VIADER 00:42:08 59

31 - 33 - PERE PARRA LLAVE 00:42:13 41

32 - 34 - SANTI MATEO LANZA 00:42:53 79

33 - 36 - MARC CAMPMANY GARCIA 00:44:00 38

34 - 37 - FRANCESC GALLARDO MOLINER 00:45:01 23


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal

1 - 23 - ANNA MACIà ERRA 00:33:45 68

2 - 27 - MERITXELL BONET COSTA 00:40:34 12

3 - 35 - CARME AGUILAR FERNANDEZ 00:43:05 80
