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Live: Sant Silvestre Bandolera 5km

Sant Silvestre Bandolera 5km

Provisional results

Perhaps some point of control does not have an internet connection or it is deficient.

In this case the intervals can not be viewed live and they will appear as they are transmitted from the control points

Arribada - Arribada


Have passed


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal

1 - 1 - MARC ROTA COLLELL 00:29:27 224

2 - 2 - MARC CAMPRUBí FONT 00:29:27 223

3 - 3 - ANDRES DíAZ DE GRACIA 00:33:17 208

4 - 4 - JORDI MARCH MARCH 00:34:00 212

5 - 5 - ALEIX COCH POZAS 00:34:39 216

6 - 6 - ERNEST ROURA PUIGDEVALL 00:36:45 203

7 - 7 - PEDRO AUñON GARRIDO 00:37:20 207

8 - 8 - ALEX MORALES PEREZ 00:43:22 222

9 - 9 - MIQUEL MORALES SOBIRANA 00:43:23 220

10 - 10 - JORGE LOPEZ 00:43:33 227

11 - 11 - POL CARO CASTANYER 00:44:12 219

12 - 12 - POL FONSECA 00:45:10 237

13 - 13 - IAN SáNCHEZ BUENO 00:45:52 206

14 - 14 - MARC CARO CASTANYER 00:45:56 229

15 - 15 - PAU GILI VILALTA 00:51:06 235

16 - 17 - MANEL FONECA 00:55:39 238

17 - 25 - ARTAI MIRÓ 01:04:34 215

18 - 26 - MAIOL MIRó MUñOZ 01:04:41 217

19 - 29 - ORIOL CALVO ABAD 01:10:20 201

20 - 31 - DIEGO BARROSO BERMEJO 01:34:27 210


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal

1 - 16 - ANNA VILALTA CUBI 00:51:07 233

2 - 18 - MERCÈ GUITART NOGUERA 00:57:52 230

3 - 19 - IRENE RIBAS 00:59:47 236

4 - 20 - ANNA VIñAS ORTEGA 01:00:32 218

5 - 21 - NURIA CASTAÑER BOFILL 01:00:32 221

6 - 22 - ARIADNA PLANA JUANPERE 01:00:38 204

7 - 23 - ESTER JIMéNEZ CASTELLà 01:01:22 213

8 - 24 - VERONICA GRAÑENA OVIEDO 01:01:22 225

9 - 27 - MARIA EUGèNIA MASSACHS LóPEZ 01:07:27 205

10 - 28 - TERESA BERMUDEZ BURGOS 01:07:50 234

11 - 30 - SONIA CALVO ABAD 01:14:19 202

12 - 32 - HELENA BARROSO SURROCA 01:34:27 211
