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Provisional results

Perhaps some point of control does not have an internet connection or it is deficient.

In this case the intervals can not be viewed live and they will appear as they are transmitted from the control points

REVOLTES KM 17,5 - Intermig


Have passed


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal

1 - 1 - NARCIS FRANCH ALIMBAU 00:13:37 412

2 - 2 - CHRISTIAN PELLICER PLAZAS 00:13:43 417

3 - 3 - ANDREU CASTELLà GASPARíN 00:13:47 408

4 - 4 - ANTONIO JOSÉ CASTRO CASTELL 00:14:07 409

5 - 5 - ANDREU MOYA 00:15:11 416

6 - 7 - JAVIER ALONSO ROCES 00:15:19 402

7 - 8 - JORDI FRANCH TRILLA 00:15:37 413

8 - 9 - PERE BORRELL FORTUNY 00:15:56 404

9 - 10 - SAÜL BRAZA ALBELLA 00:16:20 406

10 - 12 - JOSEP PUIG CARLES 00:16:58 418

11 - 13 - ROMAN BONET ALBAREDA 00:17:03 403

12 - 15 - CARLOS TOMáS GARBI HUERGA 00:17:18 414

13 - 16 - FRANCESC LLUCH ARBONA 00:17:20 415


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal

1 - 6 - CLARA BOSCH I COMAS 00:15:13 405

2 - 11 - GEMMA FERNANDEZ CASADO 00:16:26 419

3 - 14 - YASMINA CONDE DÍEZ 00:17:08 411

4 - 17 - MARGA ABELLA CALDUCH 00:17:46 401

5 - 18 - PAULA CAMACHO SUBIRATS 00:20:11 407
