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Live: CAN CAMPS Júnior 15 KM

CAN CAMPS Júnior 15 KM

Provisional results

Perhaps some point of control does not have an internet connection or it is deficient.

In this case the intervals can not be viewed live and they will appear as they are transmitted from the control points



Have passed


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal

1 - 1 - SERGI OLIVERAS ROURA 01:46:21 336

2 - 2 - CHRISTIAN LEIBENGER 01:50:04 324

3 - 3 - BETTO G.DIGON 01:50:41 315

4 - 6 - PEP GARRIGA COMAS 01:52:37 317

5 - 7 - IVAN CARRERAS OCHOA 01:52:43 310

6 - 8 - JOSEP PALAU ORTA 01:52:50 338

7 - 9 - ALBERT ESCURA BONASTRE 01:53:46 312

8 - 10 - PABLO SALAS MIJANGOS 01:55:59 351

9 - 11 - XAVIER SERRA SORRIBES 01:56:19 355

10 - 12 - DANIEL IBARZ PÉREZ 01:57:21 322

11 - 14 - ERNEST FONT CASELLAS 01:57:52 314

12 - 15 - JORDI MORERA SALA 01:58:14 332

13 - 18 - RAFAEL SUBIRATS BORT 02:01:01 358

14 - 20 - SERGI VIZCAINO NAVARRO 02:02:38 368

15 - 22 - LOUIS VAN NOORDEN 02:04:34 364

16 - 23 - DANIEL LIZ REY 02:04:47 325

17 - 24 - RAüL MUñOZ FORNIELES 02:05:19 333

18 - 25 - JORDI RAMILO MARTINEZ 02:05:37 346

19 - 26 - MARTI SURINYACH DANéS 02:05:58 359

20 - 27 - XAVIER PRADES ABADIAS 02:06:39 344

21 - 30 - FRAN ORTIZ MORENO 02:08:16 370

22 - 33 - ORIOL BACARDIT PUJOL 02:16:48 302

23 - 35 - OSCAR CASTILLO MUÑOZ 02:18:17 311

24 - 36 - LLUíS PERICAS CORNET 02:19:21 341

25 - 37 - JESúS SOLER MAROTO 02:21:03 357

26 - 39 - LLUíS GARCIA ASCASO 02:23:41 316

27 - 40 - ISAAC AGUARELES TUDELA 02:27:20 301


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal

1 - 4 - IMMA BOADA ORIOLS 01:50:49 305

2 - 5 - IVET NAVARRO BLANCH 01:50:53 334

3 - 13 - CAREN PENA PALLOTA 01:57:51 340

4 - 16 - DINA FRIAS GARRET 01:59:20 372

5 - 17 - MIREIA PESARRODONA ROCHES 02:00:38 342

6 - 19 - JUDIT MARTíN ALONSO 02:01:32 329

7 - 21 - HELENA SOLà SALVATELLA 02:03:02 356

8 - 28 - CLAUDIA ROMERO PALAU 02:07:06 348

9 - 29 - CARLOTA PAJARES TUBAU 02:07:16 337

10 - 31 - ANNA GUARDIA AULINAS 02:12:32 318

11 - 32 - JúLIA LLISTAR CHARQUES 02:12:48 326

12 - 34 - ESTEL BARBÉ SERRA 02:17:02 303

13 - 38 - ANNA RAMIREZ GONZALEZ 02:21:24 347

14 - 41 - ISABEL GUMBAU MARTíNEZ 02:27:28 320

15 - 42 - MONICA PRETER TRESSERRAS 03:48:58 345

16 - 43 - MARIA RUIZ BATET 03:49:01 349
