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Live: Vertical Sobrepuny INFANTIL

Vertical Sobrepuny INFANTIL

Provisional results

Perhaps some point of control does not have an internet connection or it is deficient.

In this case the intervals can not be viewed live and they will appear as they are transmitted from the control points

Arribada - Arribada


Have passed


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal

1 - 1 - MARTI COSTA YLLA 00:17:16 245

2 - 2 - JOAN GUITERAS PAIXAU 00:17:29 214

3 - 3 - MARC FONT ROSELL 00:17:56 208

4 - 4 - AARON ALVAREZ DEL VAL 00:19:03 244

5 - 5 - JAN PUIGVERT PALACIOS 00:19:11 235

6 - 6 - NIL VILANNA SENTíS 00:19:15 201

7 - 7 - RAUL ARPAL SANCHEZ 00:19:18 236

8 - 8 - ARATZ DE LA VIUDA SANCHEZ 00:19:19 223

9 - 9 - NIL ROVIRA MORATIN 00:19:39 217

10 - 10 - GUIU CORS PUIGDOLLERS 00:19:45 228

11 - 11 - ERNEST TORRENT CORTADA 00:19:52 213

12 - 12 - ORIOL CREUS ROVIRA 00:20:08 243

13 - 13 - FERRAN MUÑOZ BLANCO 00:20:20 220

14 - 14 - MARC AYMERICH GARCIA 00:20:33 248

15 - 15 - JOFRE GUITERAS TANTIÑA 00:20:46 234

16 - 16 - RAMON PUJOL CASELLAS 00:20:56 202

17 - 17 - SANDRO CAMBREDO AGORRETA 00:21:13 238

18 - 18 - ANDREU SANCHO SERRA 00:21:31 233

19 - 19 - ELOI ARIAS PERERA 00:21:57 240

20 - 20 - BIEL RASERO SAURA 00:22:02 226

21 - 21 - LAU CLUSELLA SALVANS 00:22:09 241

22 - 22 - ROGER DE LA SIERRA 00:22:10 250

23 - 23 - ÈRIK VIDAL CARBó 00:22:11 232

24 - 25 - PEPE CERES ALONSO 00:22:42 219

25 - 26 - POL TORNéS LLOPIS 00:22:55 229

26 - 28 - ELOY GONZáLEZ 00:23:24 221

27 - 29 - MARCEL PUJOL LAYI 00:23:27 225

28 - 31 - TEO RASERO SAURA 00:24:19 227

29 - 36 - MARÇAL USTRELL SANTA EULÀLIA 00:27:17 249


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal

1 - 24 - RUT CORDOBA MATIAS 00:22:37 215

2 - 27 - AINA ROCA PAUTAS 00:23:07 224

3 - 30 - MIRIAM RECASENS SANCHEZ 00:23:56 210

4 - 32 - ALAITZ PLANS SAFORAS 00:24:20 204

5 - 33 - BRUNA TORRENTBÓ MACIÀ 00:24:58 231

6 - 34 - BLANCA MARTÍN RODRÍGUEZ 00:25:51 222

7 - 35 - BRUNA MIRALPEIX BUSQUETS 00:26:45 246

8 - 37 - CLAUDIA MARTÍN RODRÍGUEZ 00:30:25 218

9 - 38 - ZOE DE HARO SANCHEZ 00:35:25 209
