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Live: Up Xic Trail 25 Km

Up Xic Trail 25 Km

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Perhaps some point of control does not have an internet connection or it is deficient.

In this case the intervals can not be viewed live and they will appear as they are transmitted from the control points

St. Martí Xic Km 4,5 - Intermig


Have passed


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal

1 - 1 - ORIOL SALA PUIGDERRAJOLS 00:28:43 50

2 - 2 - JORDI DELGADO SANGLAS 00:28:47 24

3 - 3 - CARLES GALOBARDES MALLÉN 00:29:21 15

4 - 4 - JAUME BUSQUETS MARTINEZ 00:29:42 28

5 - 5 - ALBERT BIGAS COMAS 00:29:47 43

6 - 6 - ERIC ARUMI VILAR 00:30:51 25

7 - 7 - MIQUEL SENMARTI RIERA 00:30:53 39

8 - 8 - ROBERT SOLER FERNANDEZ 00:31:02 9

9 - 9 - MARC MUNTADAS BALLUS 00:31:07 23

10 - 10 - CARLES ANTONES POY 00:31:09 52

11 - 11 - JORDI JUCLA COLOM 00:32:13 38

12 - 12 - ALEX CODINA RIERA 00:32:19 27

13 - 13 - LLUíS PADRóS CAMó 00:32:21 34

14 - 14 - JOAN PEREZ GARCIA 00:32:41 57

15 - 15 - MATEU PLANELLA PARéS 00:32:56 40

16 - 17 - MARÇAL CROUS FORT 00:33:13 2

17 - 18 - FELIX UCEDA PEREA 00:33:27 12

18 - 19 - JOSEP MORENO CARRERA 00:34:05 36

19 - 20 - ALEXANDRE GIL MORENO 00:35:04 1

20 - 21 - JAUME MUNTANE BERTRANS 00:35:33 6

21 - 22 - JORDI MARTINEZ MAS 00:35:38 17

22 - 23 - AMADEU BOIXET CANAL 00:35:47 61

23 - 24 - JORDI MERINO TANTINYÀ 00:36:25 29

24 - 25 - DAVID TORREJIMENO ROMAGOSA 00:36:44 55

25 - 26 - PEP PRAT HUMÀ 00:36:45 30

26 - 29 - EDUARD ARUMI RIERA 00:38:13 62

27 - 30 - JOSEP MANEL ROMERA PAREJA 00:38:27 11

28 - 31 - HECTOR QUINTANA NIETO 00:38:28 45

29 - 32 - SERGI BELMONTE ROIG 00:38:36 16

30 - 33 - LLUIS PADRóS PLANA 00:39:28 48

31 - 36 - ALBERT FABRé LLORENS 00:39:54 26


33 - 39 - TOMAS LOPEZ MAESTRE 00:40:55 4

34 - 40 - JORDI BAGARIA ILLAMOLA 00:41:16 37

35 - 44 - ISRAEL SOLA CERDAN 00:45:36 20


# - Posició P.C. - Participant Temps Dorsal

1 - 16 - ANNA PUJOL VALENCIA 00:33:11 58

2 - 27 - LAIA DOVAL SANMARTIN 00:36:52 56

3 - 28 - MERITXELL BONET COSTA 00:37:42 49

4 - 34 - MIREIA CASTILLO LUJAN 00:39:50 22

5 - 35 - ALBA FEBRER SOLER 00:39:52 63

6 - 41 - VANESSA PEDRO SALVADOR 00:43:20 33

7 - 42 - MARTA SAYOL CAROL 00:43:21 19

8 - 43 - IRENE GONZALO NAVARRO 00:43:45 8

9 - 45 - SONIA SOLA CERDAN 00:45:46 21
