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Restants: Ultra Trail 63 Km - LA MORERA DE MONTSANT

Participants inscrits que no han passat per aquest punt de control.

Restants (0)

# Pas per control Dorsal - Participant

Not presented | Abandonments (35)

# Pas per control Dorsal - Participant Motiu
1 No 21 - EUSEBI SOLÉ TOLDRÀ not presented
2 No 26 - JAIME AHEDO PEÑA not presented
3 No 45 - ERIC ABRAHAM DIAZ not presented
4 No 51 - ESTHER FARRé LLORDéS not presented
5 No 61 - IGNASI BONET GUITART not presented
6 No 66 - FRANCESC MAS GIRALT not presented
7 No 79 - XAVI ALVAREZ ESTANY not presented
8 No 119 - ADRIà COLOMER FORTUNY not presented
9 No 120 - XAVIER AYALA SALLA not presented
1 1 - MARIA DOLSA FARRO has abandoned
2 4 - ALEJANDRO VIEJO CARBAJAL has abandoned
4 27 - TXEMA COT SANCHEZ has abandoned
5 28 - CéSAR PESQUERA MADERUELO has abandoned
6 30 - GUDNI GISLASON has abandoned
7 36 - FRANCESC HUERTAS MARTíNEZ has abandoned
8 37 - CARLES VALÈNCIA NEBOT has abandoned
9 38 - VEIGUR SVEINSSON has abandoned
10 41 - GUDMUNDUR STEINSEN has abandoned
11 44 - MAURICIO LOSA ZAMBRANA has abandoned
12 49 - CHRISTIAN LOPEZ PADILLA has abandoned
13 55 - ARNAU RUIZ GRACIA has abandoned
14 59 - CARLOS BELDA PALAU has abandoned
15 69 - CARLES SALSENCH CONSTANCIO has abandoned
16 73 - ESTEVE OLIVE BOIX has abandoned
17 75 - DIEGO PADORNO ROJO has abandoned
18 78 - SANDRA MARCOS BONET has abandoned
19 82 - MARC TODA CALLAU has abandoned
20 84 - JAUME SARRET TORRES has abandoned
21 85 - KOBI HAREL has abandoned
22 87 - LUCY BROOKS has abandoned
23 105 - MICHAEL SKOBIERSKI has abandoned
24 112 - FRANCESC CABALLé has abandoned
25 114 - JUAN ANTONIO MIGUEL PEINADO has abandoned
26 117 - JAUME MARTI RETAMAR has abandoned
