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Restants: Marató 41 Km - Arribada

Participants inscrits que no han passat per aquest punt de control.

Restants (0)

# Pas per control Dorsal - Participant

Not presented | Abandonments (33)

# Pas per control Dorsal - Participant Motiu
1 No 202 - ENRIC VALENCIA I DOMèNECH not presented
2 No 205 - XAVIER BOSQUE TARRAGONA not presented
3 No 208 - LIAM BEK not presented
4 No 213 - PAU GABARA MONEO not presented
5 No 313 - DAVID TORRES QUILES not presented
6 No 220 - CARLES SANROMA MASIP not presented
7 No 226 - RONALD FARGAS MENDOZA not presented
8 No 237 - MARTA GARCIA CAMARA not presented
9 No 249 - TONI TRUJILLO MARTíNEZ not presented
10 No 263 - JOAN CASALS FERNANDEZ not presented
12 No 272 - TORBJORG OSK PETURSDOTTIR not presented
13 No 278 - XAVIER BOIX RICART not presented
14 No 280 - JUANJO TOMBAS not presented
1 221 - EMILI PUJOL FARRES has abandoned
2 223 - STEFAN GEORGSSON has abandoned
3 224 - MAX BREWER has abandoned
4 228 - PAU CARAZO TORRES has abandoned
5 234 - VILBORG THORSDOTTIR has abandoned
6 258 - EUSEBIO AGUSTIN LOPEZ has abandoned
7 259 - MIQUEL SANCHEZ has abandoned
8 261 - ORIOL SáNCHEZ CAPELLà has abandoned
9 271 - VICTOR RODRIGUEZ BARCONES has abandoned
10 279 - CRISTOBAL GARCIA HIERRO has abandoned
11 281 - JOSE LUIS ALBARRAN ZARDOYA has abandoned
12 282 - MARIA DOLORES OVEJERO OLMEDA has abandoned
13 285 - JORDI SERULLA LLORENS has abandoned
14 287 - MARTA PAULINO ANDREU has abandoned
15 290 - ORIOL CASTRO has abandoned
16 296 - NÉSTOR MORO PARREÑO has abandoned
17 299 - ANGEL COLL GALOFRE has abandoned
18 303 - CARLOS CURTO GARCIN has abandoned
19 307 - CARLOS FERRER BARBERAN has abandoned
