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Restants: Trail 50K - Arribada

Participants inscrits que no han passat per aquest punt de control.

Restants (0)

# Pas per control Dorsal - Participant

Not presented | Abandonments (23)

# Pas per control Dorsal - Participant Motiu
1 No 42 - JAIME FRANCISCO PALOMARES not presented
2 No 47 - ERLANTZ DIAZ ALCARAZO not presented
3 No 4 - JESSICA TIPáN GUTIéRREZ not presented
4 No 52 - MARC GONZáLEZ FàBREGAS not presented
5 No 63 - ARNAU AMADó not presented
6 No 81 - ORIOL LARIO DEVESA not presented
7 No 84 - JORDI GISBERT DOMENECH not presented
8 No 85 - JAN VIDAL HERVáS not presented
9 No 92 - FABIEN DALE not presented
10 No 144 - DAVID CARRASCO BELLMUNT not presented
11 No 6 - SARA SANANTE OMELLA not presented
1 27 - ELIES FARRE MONJO has abandoned
2 48 - FRAN GRANERO PEREZ has abandoned
3 53 - EVA PUIGDEMASA BESOLI has abandoned
4 59 - SòNIA CARRILLO BARDAJí has abandoned
5 69 - GUILLEM AUBACH COSTA has abandoned
6 70 - JUAN CUESTA has abandoned
7 93 - CARLOS ALONSO MUñOZ has abandoned
8 94 - POL GARCIA BUNERI has abandoned
9 No 137 - ELADIO DE LA ORDEN FERNANDEZ has abandoned
10 No 138 - MANUEL DE LA ORDEN FERNANDEZ has abandoned
11 16 - JOAN POL VILà FIGUERAS has abandoned
12 8 - SABRINA SOLANA has abandoned
