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Restants: TDV 30 KM - Arribada

Participants inscrits que no han passat per aquest punt de control.

Restants (0)

# Pas per control Dorsal - Participant

Not presented | Abandonments (15)

# Pas per control Dorsal - Participant Motiu
2 No 17 - FERRAN MECA CARBALLO not presented
3 No 31 - ADRIA DEL VALLE PUIG not presented
4 No 32 - JUAN PENA BARRERA not presented
5 No 39 - JUAN CARLOS GONZáLEZ GANDARA not presented
6 No 42 - XAVIER EDO CASTILLO not presented
7 No 55 - JOSEP ALCAIDE DAVIA not presented
8 No 59 - MASUMI COLQUE HURTADO not presented
9 No 75 - MARC COSTA PUIGPELAT not presented
10 No 85 - JESúS FRAILE JIMéNEZ not presented
1 1 - MARC MARíN FERNANDEZ has abandoned
2 48 - GENíS MATEU SALARICH has abandoned
3 50 - PAU CASTRO SAMPOL has abandoned
4 53 - LUCIENNE NICOLE FOEGE has abandoned
5 76 - XAVIER ARIZA PRUNERA has abandoned
