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Restants: UM 80K St Esteve-St Esteve - Pla del Cafè

Participants inscrits que no han passat per aquest punt de control.

Restants (3)

# Pas per control Dorsal - Participant

Not presented | Abandonments (47)

# Pas per control Dorsal - Participant Motiu
1 No 14 - IñIGO ALBERDI ERAUSKIN not presented
2 No 22 - JOAN PONS ROQUETA not presented
3 No 28 - JONATHAN ANTONI CIERCO not presented
4 No 39 - JOAN PALOMER SOLER not presented
5 No 40 - ABEL ANDRES MUNTADAS not presented
6 No 58 - JAUME SOLANí TIRADO not presented
7 No 72 - TONI MAESTRE GARCíA not presented
8 No 82 - RICART LOPEZ BAGES not presented
9 No 98 - FRAN RUIZ ROMAN not presented
10 No 124 - DANIEL VALLES GRAU not presented
11 No 136 - TONI GUERRERO RONCERO not presented
12 No 138 - MARCOS ALTEMIR QUEIPO not presented
13 No 142 - MIGUEL MOLINA RODRíGUEZ not presented
14 No 149 - XAVIER CORRAL RODRIGUEZ not presented
15 No 150 - CHRIS ZAIR not presented
16 No 153 - SERGI SASTRE DELASALUD not presented
17 No 154 - ALBERT MARTINEZ ANTON not presented
18 No 155 - ROBERT RODRIGUEZ MAS not presented
19 No 170 - DANIEL CAMPOS ORTEGA not presented
1 1 - CARLOS MANTERO MARTINEZ has abandoned
2 7 - XAVIER PEREZ ALONSO has abandoned
3 12 - ORIOL D'ARMENGOL PARRA has abandoned
4 13 - MELI GARCIA VALENCIA has abandoned
5 17 - OSCAR GRàCIA CASTERà has abandoned
6 18 - DAVID LEO HEREDIA has abandoned
7 20 - TONI MARTíNEZ GIMENEZ has abandoned
8 30 - JAVIER RAMOS SANCHEZ has abandoned
9 31 - PAU BLAZQUEZ RODRIGUEZ has abandoned
10 36 - JOSE CALAZA PEREDA has abandoned
11 37 - FRANCESC GALLARDO MOLINER has abandoned
12 41 - XAVIER ALANYA TARRAGO has abandoned
13 44 - LLUíS VILà FONT has abandoned
14 56 - CARLES AYLLÓN SANMILLA´N has abandoned
15 76 - EMILI RAFECAS FIGUERES has abandoned
16 79 - XEVI BRANGOLí VAQUERIZO has abandoned
17 87 - MASAHIRO ICHIMURA ICHIKAWA has abandoned
18 89 - DAVID GALLEGO RUIZ DE LA HERMOSA has abandoned
19 109 - JORDI ALBERTí COROMINAS has abandoned
20 112 - JOSUE CACERES FRIAS has abandoned
21 126 - JOAN MESAS MARTINEZ has abandoned
22 139 - ROGER ELENA ALTIMIRA has abandoned
23 143 - SANTIAGO FERNANDEZ CASTILLO has abandoned
24 144 - JARDAT HUGUES RENE has abandoned
25 162 - FRANCESC ROCABRUNA MARTINEZ has abandoned
26 166 - ALBERTO HERMOZA MEJíA has abandoned
27 167 - MIQUEL MERAYO CIVIS has abandoned
28 169 - ISIDOR CABALLERO BRAVO has abandoned
