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Restants: La Mitja 23Km - Coll del Pedro

Participants inscrits que no han passat per aquest punt de control.

Restants (2)

# Pas per control Dorsal - Participant
1 No 310 - PEP PRAT HUMÀ

Not presented | Abandonments (11)

# Pas per control Dorsal - Participant Motiu
1 No 354 - ANDRES REDONDO GARCIA not presented
2 No 351 - GUILLEM BAENA MAS not presented
3 No 345 - EDUARD JIMENEZ COLL not presented
4 No 342 - JOAN PALOMER SOLER not presented
5 No 329 - KATHRYN EZRA not presented
6 No 312 - JOSEP SERRA CROSAS not presented
7 No 306 - JOSEP ROIG not presented
1 363 - PAU TORRENT SALA has abandoned
2 318 - DAVID FABREGA CORDONETS has abandoned
3 316 - CRISTINA ROS MARULL has abandoned
4 365 - ALBERT HOMS BONADA has abandoned
