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Position | Sex classification | Number | Surname | Name | C1-Mola d'Atans | C2-Mas de Rosselló | Time | Time to first | Category | Cat. classification | Time to 1er cat. | Min/km | Km/hour | Club |
1 |
1 | 303 | ZARAGOZA GRAU | PAU | 01:07:33 | 02:23:40 | 03:19:55 | Junior Masculí | 1 | 12.5 | 4.8 | TRAIL ROQUETES ASSOCIACIÓ ESPORTIVA I CULTURAL | ||
2 |
2 | 304 | CHOUAIB | ELIE | 01:04:51 | 02:23:42 | 03:19:58 | 00:00:03 | Junior Masculí | 2 | 00:00:03 | 12.5 | 4.8 | |
3 |
1 | 302 | CHAVARRIA PIÑOL | GEMMA | 02:55:53 | 03:58:36 | Junior Femení | 1 | 14.94 | 4.02 | UNIÓ EXCURSIONISTA DE CATALUNYA DE TORTOSA. |