Perhaps some point of control does not have an internet connection or it is deficient.
In this case the intervals can not be viewed live and they will appear as they are transmitted from the control points
Position | Sex classification | Number | Surname | Name | Punta del Sec | Santiago Russinyol | La Mussara | Carrer Sant Isidre | Antenes | Time | Time to first | Category | Cat. classification | Time to 1er cat. | Min/km | Km/hour | Club |
1 |
1 | 99 | CASTILLO FERNANDEZ | DANIEL | 00:35:59 | 00:59:27 | 01:29:36 | 01:54:34 | 02:27:52 | 02:51:47 | Sènior Masculí | 1 | 6.14 | 9.76 | |||
2 |
2 | 46 | CALVÓ VIGARA | IVAN | 00:37:16 | 00:59:28 | 01:30:41 | 01:56:00 | 02:29:00 | 02:52:28 | 00:00:41 | Sènior Masculí | 2 | 00:00:41 | 6.14 | 9.76 | |
3 |
3 | 54 | PORQUERAS SIMO | GENIS | 00:36:45 | 01:00:41 | 01:30:07 | 02:00:12 | 02:29:52 | 02:55:34 | 00:03:47 | Sènior Masculí | 3 | 00:03:47 | 6.29 | 9.56 | |
4 |
4 | 71 | TARRÉS ARAGONÈS | ROGER | 00:39:01 | 01:03:19 | 01:37:16 | 02:04:03 | 02:42:54 | 03:10:56 | 00:19:09 | Sènior Masculí | 4 | 00:19:09 | 6.82 | 8.81 | ASS. EXC. EL SENDERÓ |
5 |
5 | 90 | MAS CáCERES | LLUISMA | 00:38:51 | 01:06:18 | 01:39:50 | 02:09:37 | 02:49:36 | 03:22:22 | 00:30:35 | Màster Masculí | 1 | 7.21 | 8.31 | Montbike Amposta | |
6 |
6 | 115 | REñé GAVALDà | XAVI | 00:41:46 | 01:07:29 | 01:44:30 | 02:12:10 | 02:54:36 | 03:23:19 | 00:31:32 | Sènior Masculí | 5 | 00:31:32 | 7.25 | 8.28 | Team Dani Castillo |
7 |
7 | 97 | SALSENCH CONSTANCIO | CARLES | 00:41:11 | 01:06:39 | 01:43:56 | 02:12:52 | 02:58:45 | 03:27:20 | 00:35:33 | Sènior Masculí | 6 | 00:35:33 | 7.39 | 8.12 | C.E Areny / Escola d’atletisme de Mont-roig |
8 |
8 | 35 | ROVIRA PARISI | GERARD | 00:43:14 | 01:09:02 | 01:47:03 | 02:15:18 | 02:58:17 | 03:28:15 | 00:36:28 | Sub 23 Masculí | 1 | 7.43 | 8.07 | TEAM TRAIL.CAT | |
9 |
9 | 111 | PINYOL CIVIT | EDGAR | 00:46:42 | 01:14:46 | 01:54:43 | 02:22:07 | 03:02:37 | 03:32:01 | 00:40:14 | Màster Masculí | 2 | 00:09:39 | 7.57 | 7.93 | Patxanguerus |
10 |
10 | 51 | BALLVé GELONCH | ELOI | 00:44:56 | 01:14:00 | 01:50:47 | 02:25:24 | 03:09:42 | 03:44:51 | 00:53:04 | Sènior Masculí | 7 | 00:53:04 | 8.04 | 7.47 | |
11 |
11 | 91 | ORTIZ BRAULIO | ELOI | 00:46:19 | 01:13:02 | 01:55:22 | 02:25:27 | 03:14:16 | 03:45:39 | 00:53:52 | Màster Masculí | 3 | 00:23:17 | 8.07 | 7.43 | pandas tim |
12 |
12 | 126 | GUTIéRREZ | KIKE | 00:47:55 | 01:15:53 | 01:58:04 | 02:26:43 | 03:16:32 | 03:49:43 | 00:57:56 | Màster Masculí | 4 | 00:27:21 | 8.21 | 7.31 | Independent |
13 |
13 | 55 | SALVAT FARGAS | ISAAC | 00:47:34 | 01:15:55 | 01:59:29 | 02:30:15 | 03:18:48 | 03:51:53 | 01:00:06 | Sènior Masculí | 8 | 01:00:06 | 8.29 | 7.24 | |
14 |
14 | 59 | GALINDO RIOL | MARIO | 00:50:47 | 01:19:12 | 02:01:23 | 02:32:16 | 03:20:41 | 03:52:17 | 01:00:30 | Màster Masculí | 5 | 00:29:55 | 8.29 | 7.24 | |
15 |
15 | 129 | COMA ESPINA | CARLOS | 00:49:20 | 01:18:18 | 01:59:50 | 02:30:47 | 03:18:13 | 03:54:05 | 01:02:18 | Sènior Masculí | 9 | 01:02:18 | 8.36 | 7.18 | |
16 |
16 | 40 | ÁLVAREZ ÁLVAREZ | MOISES | 00:51:58 | 01:23:32 | 02:03:51 | 02:36:55 | 03:23:08 | 03:55:03 | 01:03:16 | Sènior Masculí | 10 | 01:03:16 | 8.39 | 7.14 | |
17 |
17 | 82 | BRULL PEDRET | JOAN | 00:48:05 | 01:59:33 | 02:30:38 | 03:20:36 | 03:55:05 | 01:03:18 | Sènior Masculí | 11 | 01:03:18 | 8.39 | 7.14 | Vinyols Running | |
18 |
18 | 123 | GUIMERà FERRER | FERRAN | 00:46:41 | 01:14:37 | 01:58:49 | 02:30:31 | 03:19:44 | 03:55:31 | 01:03:44 | Sènior Masculí | 12 | 01:03:44 | 8.43 | 7.12 | CE L’Areny |
19 |
19 | 68 | SAITO | TOMOSHI | 00:50:04 | 01:18:39 | 02:00:42 | 02:32:07 | 03:22:59 | 03:55:49 | 01:04:02 | Màster Masculí | 6 | 00:33:27 | 8.43 | 7.12 | |
20 |
20 | 47 | VINUé | BERNAT | 00:50:30 | 01:21:33 | 02:07:41 | 02:41:16 | 03:27:40 | 03:57:31 | 01:05:44 | Sènior Masculí | 13 | 01:05:44 | 8.5 | 7.05 | AOS Team |
21 |
1 | 104 | MATEU JIMéNEZ | MARGARITA | 00:49:50 | 01:18:01 | 02:02:15 | 02:32:53 | 03:24:04 | 03:58:04 | Sènior Femení | 1 | 8.5 | 7.05 | C.E. TRAIL TARRACO | ||
22 |
21 | 103 | LOZANO SáNCHEZ | JAVIER | 00:49:52 | 01:18:02 | 02:02:17 | 02:32:54 | 03:24:15 | 03:58:06 | 01:06:19 | Màster Masculí | 7 | 00:35:44 | 8.5 | 7.05 | C.E. TRAIL TARRACO |
23 |
22 | 86 | DURAN LLOBET | DANI | 00:50:55 | 01:20:24 | 02:03:19 | 02:37:11 | 03:25:00 | 04:00:27 | 01:08:40 | Màster Masculí | 8 | 00:38:05 | 8.57 | 7 | CE Vilaplana |
24 |
2 | 100 | PICON HERNANDEZ | IRENE | 00:50:44 | 02:05:27 | 02:36:13 | 03:29:00 | 04:03:38 | 00:05:34 | Sènior Femení | 2 | 00:05:34 | 8.71 | 6.88 | ||
25 |
23 | 2 | HOLGADO GARCIA | CRISTIAN | 00:47:41 | 01:15:29 | 02:00:02 | 02:33:24 | 03:27:21 | 04:03:44 | 01:11:57 | Sènior Masculí | 14 | 01:11:57 | 8.71 | 6.88 | MTV |
26 |
24 | 75 | LóPEZ PAGèS | SERGI | 00:46:37 | 01:14:29 | 01:58:32 | 02:30:46 | 03:26:17 | 04:04:13 | 01:12:26 | Sènior Masculí | 15 | 01:12:26 | 8.71 | 6.88 | El Senderó |
27 |
25 | 94 | CANO MARTíNEZ | JOSE CARLOS | 00:51:35 | 01:23:45 | 02:05:42 | 02:41:12 | 03:30:31 | 04:08:11 | 01:16:24 | Màster Masculí | 9 | 00:45:49 | 8.86 | 6.78 | Patxanguerus D'Alforja |
28 |
26 | 121 | SENTIS PRIM | JOAN | 00:50:10 | 01:19:10 | 02:00:12 | 02:33:08 | 03:24:35 | 04:09:10 | 01:17:23 | Sènior Masculí | 16 | 01:17:23 | 8.89 | 6.75 | |
29 |
27 | 18 | FERRé MATEU | POL | 00:49:24 | 01:18:26 | 02:02:33 | 02:37:17 | 03:35:05 | 04:11:11 | 01:19:24 | Sènior Masculí | 17 | 01:19:24 | 8.96 | 6.7 | Club d'Excorsionisme Vilaplana |
30 |
28 | 19 | FERNANDEZ RODRIGUEZ | MARIO | 00:53:47 | 01:25:23 | 02:14:02 | 02:50:04 | 03:39:23 | 04:12:34 | 01:20:47 | Sènior Masculí | 18 | 01:20:47 | 9.04 | 6.64 | |
31 |
29 | 57 | EGEA PICANYOL | ALBERT | 00:51:56 | 01:23:34 | 02:04:33 | 02:38:52 | 03:33:47 | 04:12:42 | 01:20:55 | Màster Masculí | 10 | 00:50:20 | 9.04 | 6.64 | |
32 |
30 | 109 | NAVARRO ORTONOBES | EUDALD | 00:50:53 | 01:19:05 | 02:07:51 | 02:41:35 | 03:38:34 | 04:13:37 | 01:21:50 | Màster Masculí | 11 | 00:51:15 | 9.07 | 6.62 | Grup Excurcionista Oliana |
33 |
31 | 15 | CHAKHNAZAROV | ANTON | 00:52:15 | 01:20:46 | 02:05:35 | 02:37:17 | 03:35:02 | 04:13:46 | 01:21:59 | Sènior Masculí | 19 | 01:21:59 | 9.07 | 6.62 | Desmotivados Team |
34 |
32 | 56 | PERPIñA MEDIEL | TOMáS | 00:51:21 | 01:21:32 | 02:09:29 | 02:43:56 | 03:39:20 | 04:14:15 | 01:22:28 | Màster Masculí | 12 | 00:51:53 | 9.07 | 6.62 | Birimbins de Prades |
35 |
33 | 69 | MARUYAMA | YUUKI | 00:50:23 | 01:18:51 | 02:07:38 | 02:40:21 | 03:37:40 | 04:14:29 | 01:22:42 | Màster Masculí | 13 | 00:52:07 | 9.07 | 6.62 | |
36 |
34 | 113 | GRAUS MUñOZ | DANI | 00:53:22 | 01:22:58 | 02:07:18 | 02:42:07 | 03:38:13 | 04:16:50 | 01:25:03 | Sènior Masculí | 20 | 01:25:03 | 9.18 | 6.54 | |
37 |
35 | 21 | MARINé | MIQUEL | 00:51:54 | 01:24:43 | 02:09:48 | 02:51:44 | 03:40:50 | 04:18:32 | 01:26:45 | Sub 23 Masculí | 2 | 00:50:17 | 9.25 | 6.48 | |
38 |
36 | 4 | UCEDA | FELIX | 00:51:27 | 01:23:54 | 02:10:48 | 02:48:42 | 03:42:58 | 04:20:57 | 01:29:10 | Màster Masculí | 14 | 00:58:35 | 9.32 | 6.44 | AshiTeam |
39 |
3 | 118 | LLOBAT I GRACIà | EVACRIS | 00:53:18 | 01:26:54 | 02:13:56 | 02:51:55 | 03:43:16 | 04:21:09 | 00:23:05 | Màster Femení | 1 | 9.32 | 6.44 | Montbike Amposta | |
40 |
37 | 125 | JIMéNEZ ROSA | MANUEL | 00:54:54 | 01:25:39 | 02:15:40 | 02:48:47 | 03:46:03 | 04:21:11 | 01:29:24 | Sènior Masculí | 21 | 01:29:24 | 9.32 | 6.44 | Cem Martorelles |
41 |
38 | 122 | JIMéNEZ BALCELLS | EDGAR | 00:48:07 | 01:15:54 | 02:04:08 | 02:37:44 | 03:46:39 | 04:21:28 | 01:29:41 | Sub 23 Masculí | 3 | 00:53:13 | 9.32 | 6.44 | Ironwill |
42 |
39 | 116 | VALL HERNáNDEZ | MARC | 00:53:31 | 01:22:28 | 02:09:56 | 02:48:08 | 03:43:50 | 04:21:39 | 01:29:52 | Sènior Masculí | 22 | 01:29:52 | 9.36 | 6.41 | |
43 |
4 | 77 | PARRA MOLINS | ABRIL | 00:57:05 | 01:28:29 | 02:19:07 | 02:54:00 | 03:47:08 | 04:22:54 | 00:24:50 | Sub 23 Femení | 1 | 9.39 | 6.39 | ||
44 |
5 | 33 | DOMINGO MASDEU | ALíCIA | 00:57:55 | 01:30:08 | 02:18:47 | 02:53:53 | 03:48:37 | 04:26:51 | 00:28:47 | Màster Femení | 2 | 00:05:42 | 9.54 | 6.29 | C.E.Arítjol |
45 |
40 | 88 | RIALLî | THOMAS | 00:53:38 | 01:27:57 | 02:14:20 | 02:53:50 | 03:46:36 | 04:29:22 | 01:37:35 | Sènior Masculí | 23 | 01:37:35 | 9.61 | 6.25 | |
46 |
41 | 101 | RIPOLL | ROGER | 00:55:07 | 01:25:24 | 02:14:15 | 02:51:03 | 03:49:29 | 04:29:42 | 01:37:55 | Sènior Masculí | 24 | 01:37:55 | 9.64 | 6.22 | - |
47 |
42 | 22 | RECASENS ESCRIBANO | FRANCESC | 00:54:15 | 01:28:58 | 02:14:57 | 02:56:20 | 03:48:46 | 04:30:22 | 01:38:35 | Màster Masculí | 15 | 01:08:00 | 9.64 | 6.22 | Salou club triatló costa dorada |
48 |
6 | 72 | ROBLES PUJALS | COVI | 00:57:41 | 01:30:03 | 02:20:26 | 02:56:02 | 03:51:39 | 04:30:46 | 00:32:42 | Màster Femení | 3 | 00:09:37 | 9.68 | 6.19 | |
49 |
43 | 108 | BEL BENEYTO | SERGI | 00:57:45 | 01:30:37 | 02:20:18 | 02:56:04 | 03:50:37 | 04:31:01 | 01:39:14 | Màster Masculí | 16 | 01:08:39 | 9.68 | 6.19 | Independent |
50 |
44 | 110 | MENA | JUAN | 00:58:06 | 01:30:42 | 02:16:08 | 02:55:15 | 03:49:40 | 04:31:40 | 01:39:53 | Màster Masculí | 17 | 01:09:18 | 9.71 | 6.18 | Runn@rlekinats |
51 |
45 | 9 | BIGORRA TORMO | ORIOL | 00:58:56 | 01:31:57 | 02:21:20 | 02:56:40 | 03:53:06 | 04:31:42 | 01:39:55 | Sènior Masculí | 25 | 01:39:55 | 9.71 | 6.18 | ASS. ESPORTIVA COTA 705 |
52 |
46 | 92 | CARCELLé PEPIOL | ALEXIS | 00:59:22 | 01:31:27 | 02:22:15 | 02:59:52 | 03:56:16 | 04:32:34 | 01:40:47 | Màster Masculí | 18 | 01:10:12 | 9.75 | 6.15 | Independent |
53 |
47 | 96 | VALIENTE | JOSE | 00:57:06 | 01:28:32 | 02:19:15 | 02:58:59 | 03:52:49 | 04:34:05 | 01:42:18 | Sènior Masculí | 26 | 01:42:18 | 9.79 | 6.13 | |
54 |
48 | 105 | GUAITA GUAL | XAVIER | 00:51:17 | 01:21:45 | 02:10:32 | 02:48:19 | 03:50:32 | 04:34:48 | 01:43:01 | Sènior Masculí | 27 | 01:43:01 | 9.82 | 6.11 | AE EL SENDERÓ DE RIUDECOLS |
55 |
49 | 49 | FERNANDEZ HOSPITAL | ORIOL | 00:54:30 | 01:28:00 | 02:18:35 | 02:57:17 | 03:53:38 | 04:34:56 | 01:43:09 | Màster Masculí | 19 | 01:12:34 | 9.82 | 6.11 | |
56 |
50 | 106 | TORRES GIROL | CARLES | 00:54:05 | 01:26:58 | 02:17:28 | 02:55:39 | 03:55:02 | 04:36:12 | 01:44:25 | Màster Masculí | 20 | 01:13:50 | 9.86 | 6.09 | Club Excursionisme Torredembarra |
57 |
51 | 50 | CASTRO | ORIOL | 00:52:55 | 01:28:22 | 02:15:09 | 02:56:46 | 03:50:34 | 04:37:09 | 01:45:22 | Màster Masculí | 21 | 01:14:47 | 9.89 | 6.06 | |
58 |
52 | 124 | ARRUFAT BARBERAN | ANTONI | 00:56:10 | 01:29:10 | 02:17:52 | 02:56:44 | 03:54:11 | 04:38:15 | 01:46:28 | Màster Masculí | 22 | 01:15:53 | 9.93 | 6.05 | CIMS Cerdanyola |
59 |
53 | 112 | CALLAU ANGUERA | JORDI | 00:57:20 | 01:27:48 | 02:25:35 | 03:03:41 | 04:04:53 | 04:39:57 | 01:48:10 | Màster Masculí | 23 | 01:17:35 | 10 | 6 | c.e,l'Areny |
60 |
54 | 66 | PAMIES CRUAñES | JORDI | 00:59:57 | 01:34:34 | 02:25:20 | 03:05:55 | 04:03:09 | 04:42:03 | 01:50:16 | Màster Masculí | 24 | 01:19:41 | 10.07 | 5.96 | |
61 |
55 | 107 | MARTORELL BOY | ORIOL | 00:58:01 | 01:30:48 | 02:20:52 | 03:00:27 | 04:02:28 | 04:43:37 | 01:51:50 | Màster Masculí | 25 | 01:21:15 | 10.14 | 5.92 | CE Areny |
62 |
56 | 80 | TURRADO RODRIGUEZ | GONZALO | 00:59:29 | 01:31:04 | 02:25:13 | 03:03:25 | 04:08:25 | 04:47:50 | 01:56:03 | Màster Masculí | 26 | 01:25:28 | 10.29 | 5.83 | CLINICA DENTAL TUCES TARRAGONA |
63 |
57 | 12 | VINUE PERULLES | JOSEP MARIA | 00:57:36 | 01:31:44 | 02:22:52 | 03:01:46 | 04:04:52 | 04:48:07 | 01:56:20 | Màster Masculí | 27 | 01:25:45 | 10.29 | 5.83 | AOS TEAM |
64 |
58 | 78 | TORRES QUILES | DAVID | 00:51:34 | 01:23:33 | 02:11:09 | 02:53:17 | 03:58:26 | 04:48:16 | 01:56:29 | Sènior Masculí | 28 | 01:56:29 | 10.29 | 5.83 | |
65 |
59 | 98 | ROMáN LLADó | EDGAR | 00:53:10 | 01:25:19 | 02:14:10 | 02:57:49 | 03:57:04 | 04:49:26 | 01:57:39 | Màster Masculí | 28 | 01:27:04 | 10.32 | 5.81 | Corredellons |
66 |
60 | 43 | RIBES SERRES | RICARD | 00:55:00 | 01:27:26 | 02:18:21 | 02:58:48 | 04:02:18 | 04:50:48 | 01:59:01 | Sènior Masculí | 29 | 01:59:01 | 10.39 | 5.77 | AE Cota 705 |
67 |
61 | 81 | ICHIMURA | MASAHIRO | 00:57:23 | 01:28:51 | 02:22:07 | 02:59:17 | 04:08:09 | 04:51:43 | 01:59:56 | Màster Masculí | 29 | 01:29:21 | 10.43 | 5.75 | KAMISU SKI CLUB |
68 |
7 | 87 | CREIXELL LORITE | TXELL | 01:01:49 | 01:37:54 | 02:31:50 | 03:11:40 | 04:10:34 | 04:52:31 | 00:54:27 | Màster Femení | 4 | 00:31:22 | 10.46 | 5.74 | CE Vilaplana |
69 |
62 | 32 | NARANJO GARCIA | CARLOS | 00:54:40 | 01:28:59 | 02:19:58 | 03:01:43 | 04:06:25 | 04:54:44 | 02:02:57 | Sènior Masculí | 30 | 02:02:57 | 10.54 | 5.69 | |
70 |
63 | 89 | BEJAR CAZORLA | JUAN | 00:58:33 | 01:38:01 | 02:30:16 | 03:14:16 | 04:14:04 | 04:59:17 | 02:07:30 | Màster Masculí | 30 | 01:36:55 | 10.68 | 5.62 | |
71 |
64 | 27 | DE DALMAU FIGUEROLA | JOAN | 01:00:08 | 01:36:15 | 02:29:48 | 03:12:48 | 04:16:34 | 04:59:18 | 02:07:31 | Màster Masculí | 31 | 01:36:56 | 10.68 | 5.62 | Associació Excursionista Els Birimbins de Prades |
72 |
8 | 37 | VIDAL MASSOT | ESTHER | 00:59:16 | 01:36:00 | 02:30:35 | 03:18:13 | 04:21:22 | 05:02:03 | 01:03:59 | Màster Femení | 5 | 00:40:54 | 10.79 | 5.57 | Club esquí meganeu |
73 |
65 | 67 | GASCóN CASARES | JOAQUIM | 00:59:41 | 01:33:50 | 02:30:13 | 03:11:00 | 04:20:14 | 05:02:53 | 02:11:06 | Sènior Masculí | 31 | 02:11:06 | 10.82 | 5.54 | Natural DFN |
74 |
66 | 10 | PLAYà SALVADó | RICARD | 01:02:06 | 01:38:31 | 02:35:25 | 03:17:52 | 04:21:42 | 05:04:47 | 02:13:00 | Màster Masculí | 32 | 01:42:25 | 10.89 | 5.51 | Pigrus |
75 |
67 | 70 | BUQUERAS PAMIES | ANTONIO | 00:58:30 | 01:37:08 | 02:29:52 | 03:15:25 | 04:18:31 | 05:06:34 | 02:14:47 | Màster Masculí | 33 | 01:44:12 | 10.96 | 5.47 | Obrint Traça |
76 |
9 | 76 | ROS CASTET | ARAN | 00:55:57 | 01:34:14 | 02:27:40 | 03:18:07 | 04:18:37 | 05:08:07 | 01:10:03 | Sènior Femení | 3 | 01:10:03 | 11 | 5.46 | |
77 |
68 | 24 | RODRíGUEZ CRUZ | ARNAU | 00:59:18 | 01:32:42 | 02:28:18 | 03:06:46 | 04:21:57 | 05:09:32 | 02:17:45 | Sènior Masculí | 32 | 02:17:45 | 11.07 | 5.42 | - |
78 |
69 | 85 | SALGUERO MARTIN | JOAQUIN | 00:59:44 | 01:37:10 | 02:33:03 | 03:18:40 | 04:20:54 | 05:09:53 | 02:18:06 | Màster Masculí | 34 | 01:47:31 | 11.07 | 5.42 | Aritjol |
79 |
70 | 39 | PàMIES SOLé | RUBEN | 01:01:36 | 01:40:46 | 02:35:32 | 03:18:46 | 04:23:21 | 05:12:33 | 02:20:46 | Màster Masculí | 35 | 01:50:11 | 11.18 | 5.36 | |
80 |
71 | 60 | LANAO SISO | ELOY | 01:03:07 | 01:40:38 | 02:37:21 | 03:22:35 | 04:29:14 | 05:15:36 | 02:23:49 | Sènior Masculí | 33 | 02:23:49 | 11.29 | 5.31 | |
81 |
72 | 23 | MUNTé PéREZ | ÀLEX | 00:58:14 | 01:32:19 | 02:24:04 | 03:08:31 | 04:15:40 | 05:17:20 | 02:25:33 | Sènior Masculí | 34 | 02:25:33 | 11.32 | 5.3 | |
82 |
73 | 61 | MARTI FERRE | AMADEU | 01:02:28 | 01:39:48 | 02:34:59 | 03:24:52 | 04:29:35 | 05:18:19 | 02:26:32 | Màster Masculí | 36 | 01:55:57 | 11.36 | 5.28 | Aritjol |
83 |
74 | 62 | JUST TURON | JOSEP MARIA | 01:02:12 | 01:39:51 | 02:35:10 | 03:24:50 | 04:29:45 | 05:18:21 | 02:26:34 | Màster Masculí | 37 | 01:55:59 | 11.36 | 5.28 | Club excursionista Priorat |
84 |
75 | 13 | CALERO LóPEZ | ANTONIO | 01:00:17 | 01:37:07 | 02:30:59 | 03:18:12 | 04:25:31 | 05:18:28 | 02:26:41 | Sènior Masculí | 35 | 02:26:41 | 11.36 | 5.28 | CERV |
85 |
76 | 26 | ESTIVILL ROIG | JOAN | 01:01:38 | 01:45:57 | 02:42:20 | 03:31:47 | 04:33:41 | 05:20:43 | 02:28:56 | Màster Masculí | 38 | 01:58:21 | 11.46 | 5.23 | ELS BIRIMBINS DE PRADES |
86 |
77 | 36 | PRATS FERRé | GERARD | 01:07:54 | 01:47:47 | 02:44:40 | 03:30:06 | 04:36:00 | 05:26:38 | 02:34:51 | Màster Masculí | 39 | 02:04:16 | 11.68 | 5.14 | arítjol |
87 |
78 | 28 | FELIU GARCIA | JOSEP MARIA | 01:03:41 | 01:43:53 | 02:37:24 | 03:20:37 | 04:28:14 | 05:30:37 | 02:38:50 | Màster Masculí | 40 | 02:08:15 | 11.82 | 5.07 | |
88 |
79 | 58 | BLESA NIETO | JESúS MARíA | 01:05:22 | 01:48:07 | 02:45:46 | 03:32:09 | 04:42:20 | 05:33:49 | 02:42:02 | Sènior Masculí | 36 | 02:42:02 | 11.93 | 5.03 | CERV |
89 |
80 | 117 | SAUMELL GASSó | JORDI | 01:04:10 | 01:42:49 | 02:43:27 | 03:30:12 | 04:43:26 | 05:36:03 | 02:44:16 | Màster Masculí | 41 | 02:13:41 | 12 | 5 | A.E.LO BÚNKER |
90 |
81 | 53 | GIMéNEZ TRABALóN | JESúS | 00:58:37 | 01:33:18 | 02:36:16 | 03:23:18 | 04:48:31 | 05:36:20 | 02:44:33 | Màster Masculí | 42 | 02:13:58 | 12 | 5 | Independent |
91 |
82 | 84 | BORRALLO LLAURADó | SERGI | 01:09:53 | 01:53:58 | 02:56:25 | 03:49:37 | 05:00:25 | 05:39:03 | 02:47:16 | Màster Masculí | 43 | 02:16:41 | 12.11 | 4.96 | Club Excursionista L'Aleixar |
92 |
83 | 52 | FELIP RODON | FRANCESC | 01:07:50 | 01:50:48 | 02:50:11 | 03:40:59 | 04:49:37 | 05:40:23 | 02:48:36 | Màster Masculí | 44 | 02:18:01 | 12.14 | 4.94 | AEC Reus |
93 |
84 | 127 | SEGUER | DIEGO LEONEL | 01:06:26 | 01:45:05 | 02:49:59 | 03:38:49 | 04:53:52 | 05:43:25 | 02:51:38 | Màster Masculí | 45 | 02:21:03 | 12.25 | 4.9 | |
94 |
10 | 42 | GONZáLEZ | ESTHER | 01:01:25 | 01:42:55 | 02:37:50 | 03:30:04 | 04:45:52 | 05:47:23 | 01:49:19 | Màster Femení | 6 | 01:26:14 | 12.39 | 4.84 | |
95 |
85 | 8 | COSO GARCíA | MANUEL | 00:59:49 | 01:41:12 | 02:37:43 | 03:37:38 | 04:48:43 | 05:47:53 | 02:56:06 | Màster Masculí | 46 | 02:25:31 | 12.43 | 4.83 | Els Bandolers |
96 |
86 | 34 | CARDONA | JOSEP MARIA | 01:07:37 | 01:45:27 | 02:56:15 | 03:46:19 | 05:01:22 | 05:48:02 | 02:56:15 | Màster Masculí | 47 | 02:25:40 | 12.43 | 4.83 | Centre Excursionista Vilaplana |
97 |
87 | 31 | LLAURADó GATEU | JOAN | 01:09:50 | 01:52:46 | 02:55:55 | 03:49:35 | 05:04:17 | 05:55:11 | 03:03:24 | Sènior Masculí | 37 | 03:03:24 | 12.68 | 4.73 | CE L’Aleixar |
98 |
88 | 38 | HUGUET BORRELL | SERGI | 01:02:47 | 01:41:57 | 02:38:37 | 03:34:55 | 04:50:36 | 05:59:55 | 03:08:08 | Màster Masculí | 48 | 02:37:33 | 12.86 | 4.67 | aritjol corredors la selva |
99 |
89 | 93 | ROIGé SANS | JOSEP MARIA | 00:58:52 | 01:41:39 | 02:38:46 | 03:34:57 | 04:50:38 | 05:59:58 | 03:08:11 | Màster Masculí | 49 | 02:37:36 | 12.86 | 4.67 | club excta. arítjol |
100 |
90 | 17 | REYNERI PRONEZA | ABEL | 01:11:28 | 01:50:38 | 02:53:57 | 03:44:21 | 05:06:25 | 06:00:00 | 03:08:13 | Màster Masculí | 50 | 02:37:38 | 12.86 | 4.67 | PRIMAL INSTINCT BCN |
101 |
91 | 102 | VILARDELL TORRENT | LLUíS | 01:06:01 | 01:46:53 | 02:47:02 | 03:41:41 | 04:58:59 | 06:00:44 | 03:08:57 | Màster Masculí | 51 | 02:38:22 | 12.89 | 4.65 | Mountain Trail Vila-Seca |
102 |
92 | 63 | ACEVEDO CASTILLO | FIDEL NAZARIO | 01:07:20 | 01:53:09 | 02:56:44 | 03:53:08 | 05:06:49 | 06:05:43 | 03:13:56 | Màster Masculí | 52 | 02:43:21 | 13.07 | 4.59 | |
103 |
93 | 114 | DOMèNECH MUNTé | XAVI | 01:02:31 | 01:39:52 | 02:40:57 | 03:37:22 | 05:05:55 | 06:06:29 | 03:14:42 | Màster Masculí | 53 | 02:44:07 | 13.07 | 4.59 | Olímpia de Ger |
104 |
94 | 11 | RAMONEDA | MARC | 01:10:08 | 01:52:19 | 03:04:07 | 03:55:13 | 05:14:40 | 06:20:26 | 03:28:39 | Sènior Masculí | 38 | 03:28:39 | 13.57 | 4.42 | |
105 |
95 | 1 | CóRCOLES MARTíNEZ | IVAN | 01:11:03 | 01:52:17 | 03:04:23 | 03:55:12 | 05:22:48 | 06:20:26 | 03:28:39 | Màster Masculí | 54 | 02:58:04 | 13.57 | 4.42 | |
106 |
96 | 29 | ZARAGOZA MARTI | JOAN | 01:11:13 | 01:55:03 | 02:56:34 | 03:53:10 | 05:15:24 | 06:22:37 | 03:30:50 | Màster Masculí | 55 | 03:00:15 | 13.68 | 4.39 | |
107 |
97 | 65 | PRATS FERRé | IGNASI M. | 01:12:03 | 01:59:06 | 03:06:56 | 04:05:31 | 05:29:59 | 06:35:16 | 03:43:29 | Màster Masculí | 56 | 03:12:54 | 14.11 | 4.26 | CE ARITJOL |
108 |
98 | 74 | NAYA CELMA | EDUARDO | 01:13:40 | 02:01:30 | 03:05:02 | 04:07:43 | 05:28:11 | 06:42:44 | 03:50:57 | Màster Masculí | 57 | 03:20:22 | 14.39 | 4.17 | Trote Extrem |
109 |
99 | 73 | PASCUAL GINOVART | EDUARD | 01:13:44 | 02:01:30 | 03:05:08 | 04:07:43 | 05:28:14 | 06:42:45 | 03:50:58 | Màster Masculí | 58 | 03:20:23 | 14.39 | 4.17 | Club Excursionista Salouenc |
110 |
100 | 79 | MELERO LLEIXá | JESUS MARíANO | 01:09:36 | 01:57:36 | 03:04:38 | 04:07:14 | 05:33:35 | 06:44:39 | 03:52:52 | Màster Masculí | 59 | 03:22:17 | 14.46 | 4.15 | NATURAL DFN |
111 |
101 | 6 | MEDINA MESTRES | JOSEP MARIA | 01:07:07 | 02:04:00 | 03:04:42 | 04:11:10 | 05:30:48 | 06:46:22 | 03:54:35 | Màster Masculí | 60 | 03:24:00 | 14.5 | 4.14 | CE Trail Tarraco |
112 |
11 | 7 | TRULLOLS SOLER | ESTHER | 01:07:05 | 02:03:54 | 03:04:46 | 04:11:12 | 05:30:53 | 06:46:24 | 02:48:20 | Màster Femení | 7 | 02:25:15 | 14.5 | 4.14 | CE Trail Tarraco |
113 |
102 | 45 | MONGUILLOT SERRA | ORIOL | 01:15:51 | 02:03:00 | 03:17:54 | 04:15:05 | 05:57:43 | 06:56:15 | 04:04:28 | Màster Masculí | 61 | 03:33:53 | 14.86 | 4.04 | EL GOS VOLADOR |
114 |
103 | 64 | RISCO TORRES | RAMóN | 01:15:47 | 02:03:55 | 03:15:11 | 04:16:57 | 06:01:18 | 07:07:55 | 04:16:08 | Màster Masculí | 62 | 03:45:33 | 15.29 | 3.93 |
Surname | Name | Number | ||||
XAVI | 5 | See participation | |||
MARTA | 41 | See participation | |||
BORJA | 95 | See participation | |||
HANN KATHERINE | 128 | See participation | |||
XAVIER | 130 | See participation |
Surname | Name | Number | ||||
ANGEL | 16 | Not presented | |||
GARIKOITZ | 25 | Not presented | |||
JOAN | 30 | Not presented | |||
XAVIER | 48 | Not presented | |||
MARIO | 119 | Not presented | |||
IRENE | 120 | Not presented | |||
JORDINA | 44 | Not presented | |||
OSCAR | 83 | Not presented |