Perhaps some point of control does not have an internet connection or it is deficient.
In this case the intervals can not be viewed live and they will appear as they are transmitted from the control points
Position | Sex classification | Number | Surname | Name | Ermita St Jordi | Refugi del Xut | Time | Time to first | Category | Cat. classification | Time to 1er cat. | Min/km | Km/hour | Club |
1 |
1 | 84 | CALVó VIGARA | IVAN | 01:49:16 | 03:25:58 | 04:27:13 | Senior Masculí | 1 | 6.36 | 9.44 | |||
2 |
2 | 58 | RUIZ OLLER | LLUíS | 01:52:22 | 03:30:55 | 04:31:53 | 00:04:40 | Senior Masculí | 2 | 00:04:40 | 6.48 | 9.27 | La Sportiva |
3 |
3 | 61 | SOLANES PUIG | EDUARD | 01:53:03 | 03:43:25 | 04:51:44 | 00:24:31 | Veterà Masculí | 1 | 6.95 | 8.62 | | |
4 |
4 | 69 | ESCOFET DOMèNECH | JOAN | 01:57:49 | 03:48:41 | 04:58:35 | 00:31:22 | Senior Masculí | 3 | 00:31:22 | 7.12 | 8.43 | Prorunners |
5 |
5 | 80 | LLOBET DOMINGO | MARC | 01:58:41 | 03:46:31 | 05:01:31 | 00:34:18 | Senior Masculí | 4 | 00:34:18 | 7.19 | 8.35 | |
6 |
6 | 42 | GAY I TELLO | DAVID | 02:01:32 | 04:04:22 | 05:21:17 | 00:54:04 | Veterà Masculí | 2 | 00:29:33 | 7.64 | 7.85 | Espot Esqui Club Valls d'Àneu |
7 |
7 | 94 | PIñOL COLL | SERGI | 02:08:18 | 04:07:04 | 05:27:31 | 01:00:18 | Senior Masculí | 5 | 01:00:18 | 7.81 | 7.68 | |
8 |
8 | 35 | CALVO SALGUERO | JOSE LUIS | 01:59:54 | 04:00:24 | 05:28:25 | 01:01:12 | Senior Masculí | 6 | 01:01:12 | 7.81 | 7.68 | |
9 |
9 | 40 | SOTO MASCARILLA | JORDI | 02:14:31 | 04:18:23 | 05:30:18 | 01:03:05 | Veterà Masculí | 3 | 00:38:34 | 7.86 | 7.64 | Independent |
10 |
10 | 29 | REñé GAVALDà | XAVI | 02:08:16 | 04:14:58 | 05:30:41 | 01:03:28 | Senior Masculí | 7 | 01:03:28 | 7.88 | 7.61 | Team Dani Castillo |
11 |
11 | 24 | GONZALEZ SANZ | ADRIA GONZALEZ SANZ | 02:11:12 | 04:12:45 | 05:31:37 | 01:04:24 | Senior Masculí | 8 | 01:04:24 | 7.9 | 7.59 | C.E. Rocko d'Almenar |
12 |
12 | 15 | ROSELL MATUTE | JORDA | 02:05:53 | 04:10:56 | 05:31:37 | 01:04:24 | Senior Masculí | 9 | 01:04:24 | 7.9 | 7.59 | CEER Rosselló |
13 |
1 | 59 | CUBILLAS FLORES | LORENA | 02:21:44 | 04:23:05 | 05:39:12 | Senior Femení | 1 | 8.07 | 7.43 | Inverse- Nonstop | ||
14 |
13 | 79 | PLASIN ABADIAS | ÓSCAR | 02:10:08 | 04:15:57 | 05:40:57 | 01:13:44 | Màster Masculí | 1 | 8.12 | 7.39 | Peña Guara | |
15 |
14 | 54 | VILA SANTESMASES | GERARD | 02:19:57 | 04:26:27 | 05:49:41 | 01:22:28 | Senior Masculí | 10 | 01:22:28 | 8.33 | 7.2 | CENTRE EXCTA. SOLSONÈS |
16 |
15 | 75 | RIOS GOMAR | ANDREU | 02:26:06 | 04:34:05 | 05:56:16 | 01:29:03 | Veterà Masculí | 4 | 01:04:32 | 8.48 | 7.08 | |
17 |
16 | 68 | LEDUC | TANGUY | 02:26:46 | 04:41:13 | 05:59:05 | 01:31:52 | Senior Masculí | 11 | 01:31:52 | 8.55 | 7.02 | |
18 |
2 | 88 | PUIGARNAU COMA | SíLVIA | 02:23:09 | 04:35:46 | 05:59:08 | 00:19:56 | Senior Femení | 2 | 00:19:56 | 8.55 | 7.02 | Matxacuca/Scarpa |
19 |
3 | 86 | MATEU JIMéNEZ | MARGARITA | 02:20:57 | 04:38:21 | 06:00:20 | 00:21:08 | Senior Femení | 3 | 00:21:08 | 8.57 | 7 | C.E. TRAIL TARRACO |
20 |
17 | 65 | JORDA COLL | MARC | 02:16:33 | 04:33:56 | 06:02:38 | 01:35:25 | Veterà Masculí | 5 | 01:10:54 | 8.64 | 6.94 | GEM |
21 |
18 | 11 | PLANS CONTEL | JORDI | 02:21:00 | 04:33:01 | 06:07:49 | 01:40:36 | Màster Masculí | 2 | 00:26:52 | 8.76 | 6.85 | SOM REPÚBLICA |
22 |
19 | 82 | GOMà SAFONT | XAVI | 02:21:59 | 04:37:02 | 06:09:12 | 01:41:59 | Màster Masculí | 3 | 00:28:15 | 8.79 | 6.83 | A.A. Xafatolls |
23 |
20 | 50 | VERDEJO LOBO | ELU | 02:13:26 | 04:34:14 | 06:13:18 | 01:46:05 | Veterà Masculí | 6 | 01:21:34 | 8.88 | 6.75 | Centre excta. de la segarra |
24 |
21 | 12 | GASA FALCON | ORIOL | 02:28:38 | 04:51:39 | 06:14:30 | 01:47:17 | Senior Masculí | 12 | 01:47:17 | 8.93 | 6.72 | Clos Pons Thai Runners |
25 |
22 | 6 | DURáN CASTAñEDA | RAFAEL | 02:19:07 | 04:39:19 | 06:15:28 | 01:48:15 | Veterà Masculí | 7 | 01:23:44 | 8.93 | 6.72 | Green Power Sports Team |
26 |
23 | 91 | ANGUERA CAMOS | RICARD | 02:17:45 | 04:41:05 | 06:16:16 | 01:49:03 | Veterà Masculí | 8 | 01:24:32 | 8.95 | 6.7 | Bolet bike |
27 |
24 | 44 | INGLES IBARS | IVAN | 02:27:24 | 04:48:04 | 06:20:24 | 01:53:11 | Senior Masculí | 13 | 01:53:11 | 9.05 | 6.64 | Energia Nufri |
28 |
4 | 77 | SERRET BELLA | MARTA | 02:30:45 | 04:50:33 | 06:21:58 | 00:42:46 | Veterà Femení | 1 | 9.1 | 6.59 | CUDOS Artesa de Segre | |
29 |
25 | 18 | REVERTé MOYA | ALBERT | 02:26:04 | 04:50:59 | 06:22:48 | 01:55:35 | Veterà Masculí | 9 | 01:31:04 | 9.12 | 6.58 | |
30 |
26 | 56 | SERRA RODRIGUEZ | MARC | 02:24:49 | 04:49:26 | 06:25:49 | 01:58:36 | Veterà Masculí | 10 | 01:34:05 | 9.19 | 6.53 | Trail solsona |
31 |
27 | 52 | SALAS URREA | IVAN | 02:29:10 | 04:51:43 | 06:27:24 | 02:00:11 | Senior Masculí | 14 | 02:00:11 | 9.21 | 6.51 | |
32 |
28 | 27 | ROSELLó GRAUS | LLUIS | 02:23:43 | 04:50:00 | 06:27:27 | 02:00:14 | Veterà Masculí | 11 | 01:35:43 | 9.21 | 6.51 | GE SERRALADA XAFATOLLS |
33 |
29 | 1 | FARRàS SOLé | ORIOL | 02:40:03 | 05:00:23 | 06:27:48 | 02:00:35 | Senior Masculí | 15 | 02:00:35 | 9.24 | 6.49 | |
34 |
30 | 70 | RIBERA | JORDI RIBERA RIBERA | 02:39:48 | 04:57:04 | 06:28:07 | 02:00:54 | Veterà Masculí | 12 | 01:36:23 | 9.24 | 6.49 | CEG |
35 |
31 | 87 | LOZANO SANCHEZ | JAVIER | 02:21:08 | 04:46:47 | 06:28:57 | 02:01:44 | Màster Masculí | 4 | 00:48:00 | 9.26 | 6.48 | C.E. TRAIL TARRACO |
36 |
32 | 9 | GONZALEZ RUIZ | JAVIER | 02:26:32 | 04:56:57 | 06:33:04 | 02:05:51 | Senior Masculí | 16 | 02:05:51 | 9.36 | 6.41 | CE Garrigues Altes |
37 |
33 | 53 | TORRES ROVIRA | GERARD | 02:29:50 | 05:01:43 | 06:40:37 | 02:13:24 | Màster Masculí | 5 | 00:59:40 | 9.55 | 6.29 | Centre Excursionista del Solsonès |
38 |
34 | 17 | MARCO GIL | SERGI | 02:30:18 | 05:06:38 | 06:41:35 | 02:14:22 | Senior Masculí | 17 | 02:14:22 | 9.57 | 6.27 | |
39 |
35 | 78 | PUJOL | GERMA BARROSO PUJOL | 02:28:15 | 04:52:34 | 06:42:41 | 02:15:28 | Màster Masculí | 6 | 01:01:44 | 9.6 | 6.25 | RayoTeam |
40 |
36 | 5 | PEREMIQUEL CRESPO | OSCAR | 02:32:41 | 05:03:29 | 06:43:46 | 02:16:33 | Senior Masculí | 18 | 02:16:33 | 9.62 | 6.24 | Racsorun |
41 |
37 | 95 | PORTOLES COSCOCUELA | CARLOS | 02:47:42 | 05:20:13 | 06:54:29 | 02:27:16 | Senior Masculí | 19 | 02:27:16 | 9.86 | 6.09 | |
42 |
5 | 81 | DOMINGO MASDEU | ALíCIA | 02:48:29 | 05:20:30 | 07:01:27 | 01:22:15 | Màster Femení | 1 | 10.02 | 5.98 | C.E.Arítjol | |
43 |
38 | 76 | GANUZA BELTRAN | GERMAN | 02:43:39 | 05:17:27 | 07:06:47 | 02:39:34 | Màster Masculí | 7 | 01:25:50 | 10.17 | 5.9 | INDEPENDIENTE |
44 |
39 | 23 | PAGèS LLUCH | MIQUEL ÀNGEL | 02:40:37 | 05:20:08 | 07:07:23 | 02:40:10 | Màster Masculí | 8 | 01:26:26 | 10.17 | 5.9 | Runners Preixana |
45 |
40 | 43 | PADILLA MORENO | ALAN | 02:45:59 | 05:29:53 | 07:10:29 | 02:43:16 | Senior Masculí | 20 | 02:43:16 | 10.24 | 5.86 | 100 X 100 FONDISTES TÀRREGA |
46 |
41 | 22 | MARTINEZ RAMI | JORDI MARTINEZ RAMI | 02:40:32 | 05:20:10 | 07:11:13 | 02:44:00 | Màster Masculí | 9 | 01:30:16 | 10.26 | 5.85 | Rumners Preixana |
47 |
42 | 38 | GONZALEZ PUñAL | MARC | 02:32:48 | 05:23:15 | 07:12:56 | 02:45:43 | Senior Masculí | 21 | 02:45:43 | 10.31 | 5.82 | |
48 |
43 | 33 | RUIZ GARCíA | JAVIER | 02:32:44 | 05:23:12 | 07:12:57 | 02:45:44 | Veterà Masculí | 13 | 02:21:13 | 10.31 | 5.82 | |
49 |
6 | 16 | RICA BOTIA | GEMMA | 02:48:19 | 05:28:46 | 07:13:21 | 01:34:09 | Màster Femení | 2 | 00:11:54 | 10.31 | 5.82 | Unió Excursionista de Vic |
50 |
44 | 73 | BAJONA CASES | JOSEP | 02:41:39 | 05:32:52 | 07:13:23 | 02:46:10 | Màster Masculí | 10 | 01:32:26 | 10.31 | 5.82 | GE SERRALADA |
51 |
45 | 7 | MORRERES MARIMON | JOSEP | 02:38:45 | 05:25:09 | 07:13:26 | 02:46:13 | Veterà Masculí | 14 | 02:21:42 | 10.31 | 5.82 | Club ciclista Soses |
52 |
46 | 51 | GUILLéN MORA | DOMINGO | 02:27:45 | 05:16:34 | 07:14:43 | 02:47:30 | Màster Masculí | 11 | 01:33:46 | 10.36 | 5.79 | C.E. Cerdanya Pirineus |
53 |
47 | 37 | VAN DROOGE | BAREND VAN DROOGE | 02:40:42 | 05:20:13 | 07:17:34 | 02:50:21 | Màster Masculí | 12 | 01:36:37 | 10.43 | 5.75 | AE LILLET |
54 |
48 | 32 | DE JAIME RODRÍGUEZ | JORDI | 02:47:37 | 05:35:06 | 07:20:31 | 02:53:18 | Senior Masculí | 22 | 02:53:18 | 10.5 | 5.71 | |
55 |
7 | 34 | VILELLA SEGARRA | GEMMA | 02:45:09 | 05:29:55 | 07:20:55 | 01:41:43 | Senior Femení | 4 | 01:41:43 | 10.5 | 5.71 | C.U.D.O.S. ARTESA DE SEGRE |
56 |
49 | 96 | ANTÓN MARTÍN | DIEGO | 02:50:32 | 05:37:46 | 07:33:37 | 03:06:24 | Màster Masculí | 13 | 01:52:40 | 10.81 | 5.55 | |
57 |
8 | 41 | IZARD FORRELLAD | ARES | 02:51:17 | 05:37:43 | 07:33:37 | 01:54:25 | Senior Femení | 5 | 01:54:25 | 10.81 | 5.55 | Centre Excursionista Lleida |
58 |
50 | 31 | CAMI SUBIRA | MARC | 02:53:54 | 05:39:14 | 07:34:33 | 03:07:20 | Senior Masculí | 23 | 03:07:20 | 10.83 | 5.54 | FEM COSES |
59 |
51 | 30 | ANDORRà CASAS | FRANCESC XAVIER | 02:53:57 | 05:39:10 | 07:34:34 | 03:07:21 | Senior Masculí | 24 | 03:07:21 | 10.83 | 5.54 | |
60 |
52 | 92 | HERAS PASTOR | VíCTOR | 02:51:32 | 05:43:14 | 07:36:56 | 03:09:43 | Veterà Masculí | 15 | 02:45:12 | 10.88 | 5.51 | VTS |
61 |
53 | 66 | QUINTANA HERNANDEZ | HECTOR QUINTANA HERNANDEZ | 02:49:30 | 05:43:45 | 07:41:24 | 03:14:11 | Senior Masculí | 25 | 03:14:11 | 10.98 | 5.47 | |
62 |
54 | 45 | OLONDRIZ VALVERDE | ALEIX | 07:42:00 | 03:14:47 | Senior Masculí | 26 | 03:14:47 | 11 | 5.45 | Energia Nufri | ||
63 |
55 | 46 | FERRéS RUSINéS | ALFRED | 02:53:49 | 05:50:22 | 07:46:27 | 03:19:14 | Veterà Masculí | 16 | 02:54:43 | 11.1 | 5.41 | Energia Nufri |
64 |
56 | 71 | ARENY VARGAS | EDUARD | 02:57:44 | 05:49:56 | 07:49:00 | 03:21:47 | Senior Masculí | 27 | 03:21:47 | 11.17 | 5.37 | Escatxics |
65 |
57 | 57 | FLIX SIURANETA | JOSEP ANTONI | 02:57:32 | 05:49:51 | 07:49:12 | 03:21:59 | Senior Masculí | 28 | 03:21:59 | 11.17 | 5.37 | Riders the Torms |
66 |
58 | 28 | SANS CANDELAS | JORDI | 02:39:45 | 05:44:58 | 07:49:27 | 03:22:14 | Senior Masculí | 29 | 03:22:14 | 11.17 | 5.37 | 4 Llaunes Team |
67 |
59 | 39 | SERULLA LLORENS | JORDI | 03:04:30 | 06:04:53 | 07:52:34 | 03:25:21 | Veterà Masculí | 17 | 03:00:50 | 11.26 | 5.33 | |
68 |
60 | 19 | CAPDEVILA GUIU | SANTIAGO | 02:51:12 | 06:02:16 | 07:57:27 | 03:30:14 | Màster Masculí | 14 | 02:16:30 | 11.36 | 5.28 | KAFRES TEAM |
69 |
61 | 63 | AJATES BOSCH | BLAI | 03:07:37 | 06:13:48 | 08:03:32 | 03:36:19 | Senior Masculí | 30 | 03:36:19 | 11.52 | 5.2 | Energia Nufri |
70 |
62 | 3 | VERDURA GOMEZ | DANIEL | 03:04:23 | 06:08:00 | 08:03:47 | 03:36:34 | Màster Masculí | 15 | 02:22:50 | 11.52 | 5.2 | |
71 |
63 | 83 | GARCíA COMPANYS | SAMUEL | 03:01:43 | 05:59:49 | 08:06:33 | 03:39:20 | Senior Masculí | 31 | 03:39:20 | 11.6 | 5.17 | INDEPENDENT |
72 |
9 | 89 | PALACIN BOIX | CARMEN | 03:07:30 | 06:13:41 | 08:08:18 | 02:29:06 | Veterà Femení | 2 | 01:46:20 | 11.62 | 5.17 | Trailcat Team |
73 |
64 | 47 | FERRéS RUSINéS | TONI | 03:18:00 | 06:44:42 | 08:35:50 | 04:08:37 | Màster Masculí | 16 | 02:54:53 | 12.29 | 4.88 | Energia Nufri |
74 |
65 | 62 | ORMAD RUSINèS | ALBERT | 03:21:17 | 06:45:20 | 08:55:38 | 04:28:25 | Màster Masculí | 17 | 03:14:41 | 12.76 | 4.7 | Energia Nufri |
75 |
10 | 64 | BOTINES QUERALT | IRENE | 03:25:06 | 07:01:01 | 09:11:10 | 03:31:58 | Senior Femení | 6 | 03:31:58 | 13.12 | 4.58 | Energia Nufri |
76 |
66 | 25 | GRàCIA | JORDI GRàCIA | 03:13:27 | 06:59:02 | 09:11:41 | 04:44:28 | Màster Masculí | 18 | 03:30:44 | 13.14 | 4.57 | |
77 |
67 | 55 | GRAELLS MONTE | XAVIER GRAELLS MONTE | 03:00:07 | 06:15:08 | 09:18:03 | 04:50:50 | Senior Masculí | 32 | 04:50:50 | 13.29 | 4.52 | RAYOTEAM |
78 |
68 | 36 | DE LA ORDEN FERNANDEZ | ELADIO | 03:43:24 | 07:11:42 | 09:33:49 | 05:06:36 | Màster Masculí | 19 | 03:52:52 | 13.67 | 4.39 | club Cami dels Ibers trail running |
79 |
69 | 48 | CHUECA JIMENO | CHARLY | 03:12:22 | 06:54:50 | 09:37:43 | 05:10:30 | Màster Masculí | 20 | 03:56:46 | 13.76 | 4.36 | Energia Nufri |
80 |
70 | 74 | DE LA ORDEN FERNANDEZ | MANUEL | 03:43:21 | 07:12:32 | 09:45:27 | 05:18:14 | Màster Masculí | 21 | 04:04:30 | 13.93 | 4.31 | AOS TEAM |
81 |
71 | 2 | MORENO CASCÓN | JULI | 03:43:10 | 07:22:47 | 09:52:43 | 05:25:30 | Veterà Masculí | 18 | 05:00:59 | 14.12 | 4.25 |
Surname | Name | Number | ||||
XAVIER | 10 | See participation | |||
JORDI MATUTE CRESPO | 14 | See participation | |||
GERARD | 21 | See participation | |||
ISABEL | 49 | See participation | |||
FRANCISCO JAVIER LáZARO AYUSO | 67 | See participation | |||
RAMON | 72 | See participation | |||
XAVIER | 90 | See participation |
Surname | Name | Number | ||||
JOAN | 4 | Not presented | |||
JOAN OLIVE LOPEZ | 8 | Not presented | |||
ENEKO | 26 | Not presented | |||
JORDI | 60 | Not presented | |||
JORDI | 85 | Not presented |